Macclesfield Bushcare Group History Photos

Macclesfield Bushcare Group 1996 to present.
Bush regeneration and enhancement of native flora and fauna in Macclesfield's reserves


Day Paddock Park, Macclesfield

Cattle grazing stopped in 1990 and bushcare started in 1996. On-going bushcare and bush regeneration in monthly working bees. Key weeds controlled - gorse, sparaxis, pentachistus, exotic grasses and monadenia.

Bushcare photos
Early management - cut and swab then burn off of gorse by the dam 1998
Bushcare photos
Gorse control 2005 - photopoint before, and after in 2007
Bushcare photos
Monthly working bees 2009, and 2012


Lord Robinson/Crystal Lake Park, Macclesfield

Enhancing remnant vegetation and improving riparian habitat. Angas River section fenced and stock removed 2006. Willows and ash trees removed with assistance of grant funding in 2005 and Federal Government grant 2008 and 2014. Key weeds controlled, gorse, broom, willow and ash trees.

Macclesfield BushCare
Downstream end - willows and ash removed 2008, and the Angas River in 2008
Macclesfield BushCare
Planting and direct seeding May 2007, then the Angas River in 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
Above location in 2011. Right: Planting in 2007
Macclesfield BushCare
April/May 2007 plantings, and later in January 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
2008 plantings, and later in January 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
Planting by car park April 2007, and later in January 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
Below the weir in 2008, and later in 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
June 2010, and later in January 2013
Macclesfield BushCare
Interpretative signs installed 2009, and picnic tables were installed in 2011


Water quality monitoring training and native fish survey in Angas River
SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resource Management - August 2008

Macclesfield BushCare
Mountain galaxias in Angas River


Davenport Square – woody weed removal and revegetating Battunga Creek 2002

Macclesfield BushCare


Revegetation along Angas River at Sturt Street Bridge

Macclesfield BushCare

Macclesfield BushCare
2003, then later in 2007


Night Paddock Park: River section fenced and stock removed 2006
Weed control – gorse, broom, blackberry, bridal creeper, salvation jane

Night Paddock Park
Erosion control plantings in 2000, then later in 2007


Stone Reserve
Trees for Life, Bush for Life site, cared for by local volunteers, control of gorse and broom

Stone Reserve