Search Our Site
With 60+ web pages and growing we have added the Google Analytics Search Engine so that you can find what you want faster. Add keywords to the box below. Some help is below.
Case insensitive - does not matter if you type in davenport or Davenport.
Spelling - does not have to be perfect. E.g. will Davenpirt will find Davenport.
Use quotes for phrases - "Davenport Arms" only finds those pages where the words are adjacent.
OR - Put OR between each search query (must be upper case). For example, Rodney OR Brenton will find all pages that have either Rodney, or Brenton, or both names.
AND - Put AND between each search query (must be upper case). For example, Rodney AND Brenton will find only those pages that have both names.
* The (asterisk or star) is the whole word wildcard. It searches for a missing word.
E.g. "Thomas * Edison" returns: Thomas Edison and Thomas A. Edison, and Thomas Alva Edison