History Group Reports to the MCA
Betty White acknowledgement
2024 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2023 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association October
2023 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2023 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association March
2022 Confirmation of Museums and Collections (MaC) program membership renewal
2022 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2021 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2020 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2019 November Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2019 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2018 December Report to the Macclesfield Community Association
2018 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2018 June Report to the Macclesfield Community Association
2017 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2016 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2015 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
2014 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
Betty White acknowledgement
MCA–Annual General Meeting 12 Sep 2022
I would like to acknowledge Betty White who can't be here tonight.
However, Betty continues to be a vital part of the Macclesfield History Group and the Maccy newsletter. For many years she was also a member of the MCA Committee.
When the Maccy book Reflections Along the Angas was compiled by Jim Faull in 1980, he made special note of the untiring assistance provided by Betty White, who made the study of Macclesfield's history her special hobby. Incidentally, this green book remains our go-to source for quick reference.
Much of the large history collection we have today is a result of her abiding interest in local history and family connections and an understanding that some things are worth preserving.
As a 95-year-old, Betty remains an important part of the history group and her memory for names, events and places is amazing. Her stories of the past are always fascinating. She takes a real interest in all that happens in Maccy and is thrilled with the shop renos and Venable Street improvements.
Thank you, Lesley Bullock
Convener, Macclesfield History Group
MCA History Group Report AGM 2024
Voice to Parliament
A follow-up session was presented by Parry Agius in the RSL Hall on 21st August. The History Group believes this was an historic moment, regardless of the outcome. Both sessions were well supported by the community. Thanks to the Mt Barker Council for their financial support.
The Macclesfield Recreation Grounds 1947 – 2020 by Brenton Handke.
The book launch in November was a great success and the Sports Complex was the perfect venue. Colin Matschoss was the guest speaker and he talked about his long involvement in the ‘Rec Grounds’ Committee and friendship with Brenton. The book celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Macclesfield Recreation Grounds and is a permanent historical record recognising the community spirit involved in creating this excellent sports facility.
Paddy’s Irish Bush Dance – An SA History Festival event.
Once again, the Wild Matildas Bush band entertained the happy crowd of lively dancers. Thanks to all who helped make this a most enjoyable and successful event.
This year we received two grants from SA History Trust’s MaC program, $440 towards the cost of hiring the Wild Matildas Bush Band and $1,000 towards the cost of printing the ‘Rec Grounds’ Book.
History Website.
The website continues to be a great way of sharing local history and on average there are 350 monthly users (Google Analytics). This year we added a report and ‘photos’ from Paddy’s Irish Bush Dance, new pages including Nutt’s Blackwood Estate Sawmill, history of the Maccy Post Office, changes to Council boundaries, an update on Lemar family history and a Gallery of Images with more to come. Daryl Stevenson created the website, which has grown to about 100 web pages, in 2015 and continues to manage it to this day. Good work Daryl!
Changes to the History Convener role.
Since 2014, Lesley Bullock has filled this position, but for various reasons is now stepping down, and Rodney Foster is taking over.
Rodney can be contacted at: rodney.foster6@bigpond.com or ph. 0476 673 783.
The History Group meets at the Institute most Wednesday afternoons and welcomes locals and others to drop in and check out the town’s history.
MCA History Group Report for October 2023
To bring you up to date since our last report for the AGM in August.
The Macclesfield Recreation Grounds 1947 – 2020 by Brenton Handke.
Since the report, Reid Print has designed a great cover for the booklet using an enlargement of a 1948 photo of the Oval during a football match. They also printed a proof copy for us.
We accepted their quote of $1650 to print 100 copies after our grant application for $1000 was approved by SA History Trust Museums and Collections (MaC) program.
Previous local Councillor, Tess Minett also contributed $100 Ward Grant towards printing costs. The balance is to be covered by sales of the booklet at $25 per copy.
For some time, Brenton along with members of the group and others have been involved in researching, compiling, writing, editing and proofreading this text. The A4 size booklet contains 56 pages including 50 photos, ISBN, contents and index with gloss laminate cover. It will become a permanent historical record of this period in Macclesfield and recognises the community spirit involved in creating an excellent sports facility.
Brenton and myself recently attended a meeting of the Recreation Grounds Committee to talk about our research, show them the proof copy and gain their support. Incidentally we made our first sale on the night!
If MCA has invited Mayor David Leach to open the Strawberry Fete, maybe we could also ask him to launch the booklet in the Complex/ Clubrooms? Please let us know so we can advertise, send out some invites etc.
History Website
New pages include
• Nutt’s Blackwood Estate Sawmill
• Early history of the Post Office
• Changes to Council Boundaries
• an update to Lemar history
• Gallery of Images, with more to come.
Voice to Parliament
A follow-up session was presented by Parry Agius in the RSL Hall on 21st August. The History Group believes this is an historic moment, regardless of the outcome.
Current members of the History Group are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke & Lesley Bullock.
Lesley Bullock, Convener, 13 Oct 2023
MCA History Group Report AGM 2023
Bridging the History Project
Is our attempt to acknowledge and involve First Nations people in this on-going project of reconciliation. The aim is to provide a presence on the history website that includes awareness rising from pre-colonial human occupation of our district and the early contact period. The main focus is to identify and collaborate with ongoing Aboriginal associations within our region and to embrace them in a way that creates respect and a documented history for future generations.
To this end the website now includes a brief history of Aboriginal Settlement in the Adelaide Hills by Deanne Hanchant-Nichols, the Willis family story, and profiles of both Mandy Brown and her daughter Courtney Hunter-Hebberman. As part of National Reconciliation Week in May, Courtney gave a non-partisan presentation of the proposed Voice to Parliament to Maccy people, held at the RSL. A further Voice to Parliament meeting is planned for the 21 August with presenter Parry Agius. Rodney Foster leads the project and Daryl Stevenson manages the website:
History Website
The website continues to be a great way to share local history, and we average 400 monthly users (from Google analytics). Apart from the Bridging the History project, this year we have also added pages about Macclesfield’s Irish Identity and a report with photos of the Irish Bush Dance held in May as part of the SA History Festival.
Paddy’s Irish Bush Dance was a very successful and fun evening. Thanks to all who helped make this a most enjoyable event, including photographer Susanne Opitz and poster designer Lynn Boyd.
The Macclesfield Recreation Grounds 1947–2020 by Brenton Handke
This booklet is nearing publication; just waiting on the final design for the cover and a quote from Reid Print for printing copies.
This year we received 2 small grants from SA History Trust’s MaC program, $160 funding for a new display of historical photographs at the Institute (The Pfeiffer family) and $440 towards the cost of hiring the Wild Matildas Bush Band for the dance.
Oral History Aust SA/NT Annual Membership renewed.
Open Days
Once a month the Institute opens for locals and others with an interest in history.
Current members of the History Group are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke & Lesley Bullock.
Convener: Lesley Bullock, 1st August 2023
MCA History Group Report for March 2023
To bring you up to date since our last report for AGM 2022
Paddy’s Irish Bush Dance
For History Month in May 2023, the group will focus on Macclesfield’s early Irish identity. Many Irish Catholic people emigrated to South Australia as part of the mass exodus from Ireland following the Great Potato Famine of 1845 to 1849.
The way in which Davenport and other landowners, including Reverend JB Austin and Dr John Rankine, encouraged tenant farming no doubt attracted these new settlers. By the 1870’s the Macclesfield district was home to a large percentage of Irish Catholic families. In fact, at one time, it was called Paddy’s Town! Giving us an appropriate name for the bush dance and a fun and engaging way to celebrate local Irish history.
Following is a bit of info about the event.
• The South Australian History Festival opens mid-April when the full program is launched and made available to the public. Programs will be available in Maccy at the shop, post office, pubs and hall and on-line.
• The 5-piece Wild Matildas bush band http://www.wildmatildas.com/ has been booked at a cost of $940, a grant from the History Trust for $440 enables us to keep ticket prices low.
• The bush dance is on Saturday 13th May from 7.30 – 10.30pm at the Institute.
• Adults: $15 and 12-18 years old: $10 (supper included). Total number of tickets is 65 (includes 50 adults & 15 young people), children FREE.
• Tickets are for sale through Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/paddys-irish-bush-dance-tickets-536565520917 Our flyers and ads will include a QR code link to Eventbrite for ticket sales.
• Bev Slack and the RSL have agreed to organise catering for supper.
• It is a family event with no alcohol. (Pubs not far away if people get desperate). We would appreciate some help from MCA to advertise on Facebook, decorate and set up the hall, manage people and tickets as they arrive and clean up afterwards.
The History of the Recreation Grounds by Brenton Handke
We are in the process of getting two quotes for printing of the booklet – approximately 56 pages and 50 images, list of contents and index. Special thanks to Daryl Stevenson for formatting, editing images etc.
Bridging the History Project, maintained by Rodney Foster
Work in progress – more stories from contemporary Aboriginal people to be added to our website as they become available at https://www.macclesfieldhistory.com.au/bridginghistory
Current members of the History Group – Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke and Lesley Bullock.
Confirmation of MaC program membership renewal
17 June,
Lesley Schack,
Macclesfield Community Association History Group
Dear Lesley,
Confirmation of Museums and Collections (MaC) program membership renewal.
Thank you for undertaking the process enabling Macclesfield Community Association History
Group to renew membership in the History Trust's MaC program. Membership runs from now
through until June 2025.
It's great to see the work that has been done in the last three years to make links with other
organisations, raise the profile of local history through the Macclesfield Facebook page and
website, undertake research activities and display rotations and establish regular opening
hours for the History Room. The focus on high-quality archival storage and getting systems
going for collection documentation are also fine achievements in what has obviously been a
busy few years.
There are many things mentioned in the self-review responses that MaC can help the History
Group to achieve through grants and ongoing advice and assistance over the next three years.
The project linking the interpretive signage developed by the Macclesfield Bushcare Group with
the History Website is an interesting model for extending the use of the website as a means to
share history and engage new audiences. Perhaps there are expansion options for that and/or
digital storytelling projects that draw on the History Group's collections and research.
Certainly the Bridging the History First Nations project would be a great endeavour to receive MaC grant support, which can be sought for any stage of the project, including initial consultation and
collaboration with your regional Aboriginal associations.
MaC Small Grants will open again in the next few weeks and MaC Projects grants (for amounts
up to $20,000) will be open later in the year. Please get in touch when you are ready to discuss
projects as I can assist with the process.
It's really good to see the History group undertaking a wide range of projects and playing such a
key role in the Macclesfield region and beyond. Thank you for your support of MaC.
Yours sincerely,
Senior Curator, Community Engagement
2022 Report to the MCA AGM
Reconciliation–Bridging the History project
In an attempt to acknowledge occupation of the country in and around Macclesfield prior to the settlement of Europeans in the 1840's, we invite contemporary Aboriginal persons and those who identify as Peramangk to contribute their stories about their connection to the region. There is no completion date for this project and it will be maintained by a presence on our web site in the first instance. Rodney Foster and Susan Woenne-Green have been encouraged by discussions throughout the year, and in May the History Group was invited to launch their project at a small community event Woven Together - connecting through story and song, held at the Flaxley Uniting Church. It was well received and Mandy Brown is the first person to contribute her story at https://www.macclesfieldhistory.com.au/bridginghistory_main.html
History Website The website continues to be a great way to share local history and we average 400 monthly users (from Google Analytics). Apart from including the Bridging the History project, this year we have also added pages about Howard Ross and the Trigg Brothers, the Pfeiffer files and further additions to the Football Hall of Fame. The History Group has also played a small part in the Bushcare Group's new signage by providing a link via QR codes to further bushcare information found on our website.
The History of the Recreation Grounds This booklet is nearing completion and hopefully will be published later this year. Much work has gone into research and writing the history of this valuable local community facility.
The History Trust of SA 's Museums and Collections (MaC) program. We have undertaken the process of self-review to update our membership for the next three years to June 2025.
Grants and Income This year we received a small grant from SA History Trust's MaC program for archival material to continue with the work of re-homing the history collection. We realized $785 from the sale of Reflections along the Angas and Cheese Factory books and also received $100 as a ward donation from Councilor Tess Minett supporting the new Recreation Grounds book.
Oral History Aust SA/NT Annual Membership renewed.
Open Days Once a month the Institute is open to locals and others with an interest in history.
Sadly, we lost a wonderful friend and supportive member of our group with the death of Susan Woenne-Green in July 2022. She will be sadly missed by all.
Current members of the History Group are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke & Lesley Bullock.
L Bullock,
29 August 2022
2021 Report to the MCA AGM
Compactus - Since the installation of the compactus in October 2020 the Group has proceeded to re-home the history collection, previously stored in the History Room. This involves boxing, labelling and cataloguing items, and currently we have archived records from the Cricket, Football and Tennis Clubs, School Registers and Journals, other miscellaneous journals and photograph albums. (Only a small part of the Collection that will eventually be stored in the compactus).
History Website – The website continues to be a great way to share local history and we now average just over 400 monthly users (from Google Analytics). Information about the Crystal Lake Campsite has been updated, Peter Baraglia has corrected names in the Table Tennis pages and new items; the Pfeiffer Files and Peggy's Album have been added.
Donations – Financial donations of $525 were received this year including one from a local supporter of Maccy history and another from interstate for family research. Other donations and additions to the History Collection, include records & photo albums from Tania Slack and the Maccy Playgroup 1980-2015. A family photo album from the 1880's and a book about Ernest Miller, a local hero who fought in World War I. (The author acknowledged the help we provided with family research). Also added were photos from the Pfeiffer family plus a small collection of Ross family photos and greeting cards that date back to early 1900s.
Grants and Expenses – A Grant of $4000 was received from SA History Trust for the Compactus storage unit. In February 2021 we paid website expenses including Standard Web Hosting $302 for 3 years and Domain Renewal $25 for 2 years. Other expenses included $1940 to reprint the local history book 'Macclesfield Reflections along the Angus', $458 for archival materials, $176 for sign magnets and $65 membership fee to Oral History Aust. Special thanks to Anne Stott, MCA Treasurer for the extra work this involved.
Reconciliation and Bridging the History Project –The History Group will undertake some initiatives that in our small way will attempt to acknowledge occupation of the country in and around Macclesfield prior to the settlement of Europeans in the 1840's. To update that story, we intend to invite contemporary Aboriginal persons to contribute their stories about their connection to the region. Any type of connection is appropriate and people who identify as Peramangk are very welcome. There is no completion date for this project and it will be maintained by a presence on our web site in the first instance.
Rodney Foster and Susan Woenne-Green have been in encouraging consultation with the Strathalbyn Aboriginal Reference Group, with Parry Agius; former CEO of SA Native Title Service and a cross-cultural trainer/leader, and with Lyn Griffiths from the Adelaide Hills Council who is involved with AHRWG; a regional reference group that assists the hills councils to develop and implement their Reconciliation Action Plans.
The History of the Recreation Grounds booklet is nearing completion and hopefully a grant from SA History Trust will cover the cost of printing this valuable resource.
Open Days – There has been a good response to our open days from both locals and visitors to the town and some history books were sold. The Market Sign with the addition of the new History magnets works well.
Planned Event – To coincide with the Strawberry Fete this year, the Group is planning a pop-up museum with the theme, Shoes with History to be held at the Anglican Church Hall. This should be a fun and engaging event similar to the successful Museum of Hats held in 2018. We will be encouraging locals to get involved and to bring along their old shoes/ footwear, with stories attached. No further details as still in the planning stages!
Current members of the History Group are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke, Susan Woenne-Green, Jan Lewis & Lesley Schack.
2020 Report to the MCA AGM
Events –To coincide with last year's Strawberry Fete, the Group set up an exhibition from the SA History Trust celebrating the 'Centenary of The Epic Flight'. In 1919 the Smith brothers from SA and their crew became the first to fly from England to Australia. The brothers were competing in an event billed as the 'greatest race of all time' and now thought to be one of the greatest feats in aviation history. It was a popular exhibition.
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus the History Festival in May was cancelled.
Website – With an average of 400 monthly users (from Google Analytics), the website has proven to be a great way to share our local history. We have many enquires via the website from people researching local families. Some of the recently added information include a Davenport Family history, reports on the Macclesfield CFS, the Macclesfield Football Club and the Dancker Family.
At the moment we have several projects on the go including the installation of a Compactus at the Institute and the reprint of the book 'Macclesfield Reflections along the Angas' originally published in 1980.
The proposed compactus will enable the Group to bring together our significant historical collection and store it in a safe and secure way, with capacity to add more to the collection in future years. We have accepted a quote from Dexion Australia on the proviso that we receive funding from SA History Trust. We expect to hear whether the Grant Application has been successful or not by the end of August 2020.
We have also been informed that outside funding to reprint 100 copies of the above book is unlikely to be available. Consequently, the History Group has now accepted a quote from printer (Openbook Howden) and has agreed to pay all costs from our MCA bank account and hopefully will recoup money as the books sell.
Display Cabinets –It has been a big job to catalogue, photograph and sort the items into a more organised collection. A number of items are currently stored in the bottom cupboards. In time, we expect to rotate the displays to reflect various themes and ideas.
Projects for 2021 - Acknowledging the Peramangk People and recording the history of the Recreation Grounds.
Current Members of the History Group: Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Rodney Foster, Brenton Handke, Susan Woenne-Green, Jan Lewis & Lesley Schack
2019 November Report to the MCA AGM
To bring you up to date since our last report for the 2019 AGM.
Macclesfield Council Minute Book 1884 - 1888
A big thank you must go to professional photographer Rob Fairweather from Strathalbyn for donating his time & expertise to the project of digitising the Macclesfield Council Minute Book 1884 - 1888. Together Rob and Daryl Stevenson completed this massive project in a relatively short time. This primary source of historical information has been photographed and digitised and is now available on our history website at: https://www.macclesfieldhistory.com.au/minutes1884-88.html As a handwritten record of some of Macclesfield's early Council meetings, it is interesting to note that many of the same issues remain on Mt. Barker Council's agenda in 2019.
Macclesfield Primary School history walk
In September, Jan Lewis led students and staff from the Macclesfield Primary School on a short informative walk around town visiting the first Primary School (RSL), the Catholic School and the oldest known public building, the Three Bros. Arms Hotel c.1841. As a historical point of interest Jan encouraged the students to notice the differences between the old and newer buildings along Venables St. Following the walk many of the students sent 'thank you' letters to the Group.
Two Small Grants received from the (Mac program) run by the History Trust of SA.
This has enabled the Group to purchase a well recommended reference book by R. Coles: The Ochre Warriors: Peramangk Culture & Rock Art in Mt Lofty Ranges/SA plus more archival material to store documents and photographs.
Meeting with Peramangkt elder, Ivan Tiwu Copley.
We have lots of history written about the early British and European settlers in the Macclesfield area but virtually nothing about the first aboriginal people. The Group is seeking Ivan's help to join us in writing, editing, discussing and publishing on our website information about the Peramangk people. Our view is that it is vital that Peramangk people (and possibly others) have a share in what our History Group sets out in public about who the Peramangk are, who they were and where did they come from, and how they relate to our town and the surrounding Hills region. In August 2018, the Macclesfield History Group was granted permission by Reconciliation SA to use the Welcome to Country/Acknowledgment to country on The Macclesfield History Group website to acknowledge the Peramangk people. Thanks to Penny Worland for Ivan's contact details; we are now in the process of finding a suitable time for our meeting.
Projects for 2020
Investigate an update to our reference book - Macclesfield Reflections along the Angas, first published in 1980 with the 4th reprint in 2013 when 100 copies were printed. The book continues to sell at the Post Office with only about 6 copies left. One idea is to add a few chapters to cover the last 40 years.
Investigate the feasibility of installing a Compactus, possibly at the back of the stage, to hold all the historical documents, photos etc. together in a safe and secure place.
Current members are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Brenton Handke, Jan Lewis, Rod Foster, Susan Woenne Green, Lesley Schack.
2019 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
Events - This year to coincide with the Strawberry Fete, we held a pop-up Museum of Hats which was a real success. The community responded well by providing ‘hats with history’ for display. Hats from the Hills Victorian Ladies and The Stirling Community Theatre added to the Museum. People were keen to try on some of the hats and there was plenty of amusement.
Heritage Family Bake-Off - For the SA History Festival in May, the History Group organised the Heritage Family Bake-Off. Cookbook author Liz Harfull and show judge Vaughan Wilson shared their passion for cooking with the young contestants and families. This community event received fantastic coverage from the local press.
MaC Program – The MCA-History Group is now part of the Museums and Collections program run by the History Trust of SA. It is the standards and funding program for community museums and historical groups that manage collections. The History Trust will provide information and resources to care for the collection and help us to apply for funding of larger projects.
Donated Historical Journal - The Macclesfield Council Minute Book c.1880s is back in our care following conservation work completed by ArtLab. The journal was donated to the Community by Jan van Kaathoven (nee Edmonds) in Dec 2018. It was in poor condition, and on advice we engaged Artlab to stabilise the damaged pages and remove loose mould spores, dirt etc. to slow further deterioration. Digitising this book is an on-going project.
Heritage Walk Brochure - Following requests from local businesses, the Group has produced ‘The Macclesfield Heritage Walk – Venables Street’ brochure. Thanks go to local Mt Barker Council member Tess Minett for her ward donation towards printing costs.
On-going projects
• Acknowledging the Peramangk People, and Aboriginal history in the area - ongoing.
• Documenting the history of the Recreation Grounds.
The Group meets most Wednesday afternoons at the History Room and as time permits, continue to add information to the Macclesfield Community History website, work on the MOSAiC database, write articles for the Macclesfield Newsletter, discuss future and on-going projects and follow up enquires we get via email or in person.
Current members of the History Group – Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Brenton Handke, Rod Foster, Susan Woenne-Green, Jan Lewis & Lesley Schack (Convenor).
2018 December History Group Report to the MCA
This is a short account to bring you up to date with some of the valuable work being done by members of the History Group.
Since our last report for the AGM the group has:-
Accepted a donated historical journal – a Macclesfield Council Minutes book from the 1880’s. It was donated by Jan van Kaathoven (née Edmonds). Six generations of the Edmonds family have lived in Macclesfield. Several of Jan’s ancestors, including grandfather Charles William Edmonds served on the Macclesfield Council and his name is noted in this journal.
The journal is in poor condition, front cover missing and first section heavily mould damaged and fragmented. Seeking advice from the History Trust of SA, they recommended Artlab Australia – conservators of historical material. After deliberation, we accepted their quote of $484.00 for treatment to stabilise damaged pages, remove loose mould spores, dirt etc. This should slow further deterioration. Artlab has a 3-month backlog of work and the Journal is still with them.
Around the same time the History Group received a generous cash donation of $500 from a local lady – Helen Thomas. She is happy for us to put the donation towards this conservation work.
Hosted a group - In August, we hosted 50 staff members from The Mary MacKillop College in Kensington who had chosen Macclesfield for their Staff Spirituality day because of the close connection with the Sisters of St Joseph. In 1868 the Sisters started a Catholic school in St James the Less Church. The History Group welcomed the visitors to the Church, provided them with information about the Church in the form of a booklet and organised a walking tour of the town while the MCA catered for morning tea. The College gave a donation of $250 to the History Group and paid $5 a head for the catering.
Hosted a HistorySA workgroup - In November the group welcomed the History Trust of SA and members of the Trust presented a workshop/ideas exchange at the Institute, in the lead up to the 2019 History Festival.
Provided a local Event - The pop-up Museum of Hats at the Strawberry Fete was a great success. The community responded well by providing ‘hats with history’ for display. Hats from the Hills Victorian Ladies and The Stirling Community Theatre added to the Museum. People were keen to try on some of the hats and there was plenty of amusement. With free entry we were happy to receive donations that covered our expenses of signage, hall hire, contributions, etc.
The Group is taking a well-earned summer break until the 16th Jan 2019.
Current members are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Brenton Handke, Jan Lewis, Rod Foster, Susan Woenne Green, and our Convenor, Lesley Schack
2018 History Group Report to MCA AGM
The History Group meet Wednesday afternoons to discuss on-going projects, plan new projects and events, or to work together on articles for the Newsletter, the website or to follow up any enquires received regarding local family history. We also have occasional visitors interested in researching particular aspects of Macclesfield history. Another important and on-going part of our work is the maintenance and conservation of the History Collection, including appropriate storage and documentation of any new material received.
This year, to coincide with the Strawberry Fete, we held an exhibition in the Anglican Church Hall. On display was History SA’s travelling exhibition ‘Good &Useful Work’ about the Red Cross in South Australia. The Macclesfield branch of the Red Cross was among many local groups set up at the start of World War I. To add local flavour to the exhibition we included photos, certificates, long service awards and other mementos from the History Collection or on loan from family members. The RSL also provided various items.
During the year members of the group attended workshops run by the History Trust of SA, including a Multimedia and Oral History workshop to learn the basics of creating a visual presentation using audio clips from the group’s oral history interviews and photographs. Another was preparing reminiscing or memory boxes. A memory box can include items from a particular era or subject such as ‘in the shed’, ‘recipes for remembering’ or ‘childhood games and pastimes’, all designed to stimulate memories and could be used at various history events.
For the SA History Festival we organised a very successful historical fashion parade – ‘Bustles & Bows’ as presented by The Victorian Ladies from Mt Barker. It was co-hosted by Young at Heart who provided the lovely afternoon tea.
Other on-going projects:
• St. John’s Anglican Church Cemetery – we continue to work with Clyde Slack, who is the caretaker of the cemetery, and encourage community involvement. A Working Bee was held on Saturday 7th October 2017 to maintain the grounds.
• The MOSAiC database – Rod Foster and Daryl Stevenson continue to enter information from our historical archives. This year the group purchased an updated Version 11 of this data base which is now installed on a new dedicated lap-top.
• Macclesfield Community History website – This year a useful addition to the website has been a web search engine developed by Google that is free, and without advertising, for community groups and the ‘not for profit sector’. With 68 pages and 370 images with more to come, there was a need to make it easier for visitors to to navigate around the site. The on-line store on the website proved invaluable leading up to the fashion parade in May. About half of all tickets sold came via PayPal and the on-line store.
• The Peramangk People – We are working together with Susan Woenne-Green, anthropologist (retired), to acknowledge with respect the Aboriginal people who lived in this area prior to British & European settlement.
• Recreation Grounds – Brenton Handke has been actively researching the history of the Macclesfield Recreation Grounds. He has unearthed stories from the 19th century to more recent times. Stories about the development of sports facilities, discussions around activities on the oval including greyhound racing, harness racing, go-carts and at one time, turf was purchased for lawn bowls. A great addition to Macclesfield history.
Current members of the History Group are Betty White, Daryl Stevenson, Brenton Handke, Rod Foster, Susan Woenne-Green, Jan Lewis and Convenor Lesley Schack.
2018 June History Group Report to the MCA
A few interesting things that we have been involved in recently:-
Macclesfield History website — This year a useful addition to the website has been a web search engine developed by Google that is free, and without advertising, for community groups and the ‘not for profit’ sector. With 68 pages and 370 images with more to come, it was becoming increasingly difficult for visitors to navigate around the site. The Search button makes it so much easier. Daryl Stevenson continues to add data & photographs to the website and we have had great feedback from people researching their Macclesfield family connections.
Family history enquiries - In the past month we have had a couple from WA visiting us, the Ward family. Great, great grandfather Richard Ward settled here in the 1850’s. He is known to have built the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the house on Searle Street next to the old cheese factory. Richard and his wife Margaret are buried in the Penna Road Cemetery. The WA couple spent time in the history room browsing through the files and photocopying relevant documents and looking around our historic town.
Website hosting - In January we renewed our 3-year contract with Digital Pacific for standard web hosting at cost of $278.46.
MOSAiC database — In the future we want this database to become a useful resource of local historical information so we have spent time developing the best procedures for entering our records and collections. Instead of browsing through assorted original files and photographs, one day visitors will be able to access this database either in the history room or on-line.
Artifacts Collection - We are now working on our artifacts collection – items currently stored in the glass display cabinets, with back stories and photographs so that this info can also be entered into the database. Daryl Stevenson & Rod Foster work together on this project.
MOSAiC Database - We have recently purchased an updated Version 11 of MOSAiC for $448.80.
Historic Walk — In February the History Group were invited by The Shy Poets to participate in Banjo Paterson’s Birthday celebrations in the RSL grounds. A gazebo was provided and we set up our historical photographs and information and offered guided walks around town. Jan Lewis led two walks that included the historic St James The Less Church, where Betty White talked about Mary MacKillop’s Josephite Sisters who established a school in the church. She was one of their pupils.
Recreation Grounds — Over the past 12 months Brenton Handke has been actively researching the history of the Macclesfield Recreation grounds. He has unearthed stories from the 19th century to more recent times. Stories about the development of sports facilities, discussions around activities on the oval including greyhound racing, harness racing, go karts and at one time, turf was purchased for lawn bowls. This research looks like being a little treasure trove! A small book in the making for sure.
Bustles & Bows historical fashion parade — This was a great success thanks to everyone involved. It was lovely to see the fashions of the past return to our lovely old Institute. Cheers to Cathy Megson and Young at Heart who contributed both the music interlude and afternoon tea.
2017 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
During the past year the group held an Exhibition, added ‘Google Search’ and an ‘On-line Store’ to the History website, continued entering info onto the MOSAIC database, organised 2 Working Bees, contributed articles to the Newsletter, worked on some small research projects, followed up family and local history enquires and launched our book based on the local cheese factory.
July 2016: Members of the Group worked at the St John’s Anglican Church Cemetery and created a large pile of branches and leaf litter which Steve Gardner later mulched and removed.
November 2016: We organised a History SA exhibition to coincide with the annual Strawberry Fete. To History SA’s travelling display ‘Once Upon a Time’ about growing up in SA, we added some local flavour with a slide-show of childhood photographs, displays of old books, toys and even a vintage caravan! It proved popular and we received positive feed-back from locals, a school group and visitors alike.
January 2017: A working bee was held at the Cemetery to clear some of the fallen branches and debris from gravesites and generally tidy up of the area. Previously, Trevor CALABY had repaired the fence, while a neighbour had cleared some creepers from the back fence and offered to remove some of the leaf litter.
March 2017: Rod FOSTER attended a 3 Day MOSAIC database training workshop in Adelaide organised by History SA, but run by ISTechnology, the software supplier.
April 2017: Members of the Group attended the Annual Combined History Group meeting held in Basket Range. The meeting was a chance to network with other Adelaide Hills groups and hear what they were doing to preserve their local history.
On going projects
St John’s Anglican Church Cemetery – We continue to work in consultation with Clyde SLACK – Caretaker of the Cemetery - and encourage community involvement with working bees to maintain the grounds. With the fence now repaired, it is time to look at funding / grants for signage at this historically significant site.
The Peramangk People - At the time of European settlement the Macclesfield area was already the country of people known as the Peramangk. The History group would like to find a way to acknowledge this prior occupation and ownership. At the Group’s request, Susan WOENNE-GREEN is continuing to research historical and contemporary resources and contacts.
The MOSAIC database – Rod FOSTER & Daryl STEVENSON continue to enter information from our historical archives into the database. This is both time consuming and exacting work but is one way of retaining/storing information that in paper form may be lost. It will also provide an important resource for the community and future researchers.
Macclesfield History website – With an ever-increasing number of pages we have added ‘Google Search’ to help people find particular topics / family histories etc. The link to this can be found at the top right of each web page. Thanks to Freeman SCHACK for providing the technical knowhow to be able to do this.
Online Book Store - People can now purchase ‘Reflections along the Angas’ and our new book (see below) from the On-line Store.
However, this year a major focus was in completing and publishing the new book - ‘At Work- The Macclesfield Cheese Factory 1937-1975’, the author our own Lesley SCHACK. The book has been a great success and the Launch was enjoyed by many past employees, milk truck drivers, suppliers and others with links to the factory.
The Book Launch also provided an opportunity for people to catch up with old friends and workmates many of whom hadn’t seen each other for years. We originally had 150 books printed, but due to popular demand have since had a second print run of 60 books. Janeane THOMAS from the Post Office remains very helpful and we also sell them on-line via our website (macclesfieldhistory.com.au).
Grants received this financial year - $3000.00 from History SA and $1,250.00 from The Mt Barker Council to assist in publishing the new book. This Association was also most supportive.
Current Members: Betty WHITE / Daryl STEVENSON / Rod FOSTER / Brenton HANDKE / Sue WRIGHT / Phil DAVIS / Lesley SCHACK / Susan WOENNE-GREEN.
2016 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
This year the History Group has been involved in some interesting projects including setting up the new MOSAIC database - although lots of data entry work is now required, in the future it will provide people with easy access to the local history collection, perhaps on-line or in some other way.
We are trying to become more financially independent and attempting to raise funds by the sale of historic photographs, running raffles and events and applying for relevant grants.
November 2015: The History Group sold 2 large canvas prints of historical interest during the Gala Dinner’s Silent Auction. The $360.00 raised was used by the Group for on-going expenses including archival material, printing and stationery. An historical slide-show was also prepared and shown at the dinner.
At the Strawberry Fete the group set up historical displays including a slide-show in the St John’s Anglican Church Hall. Money raised on the day from the sale of raffle tickets and greeting cards was $88.00.
Grants Received this financial year:
• From SA History Fund for a standalone edition of Collections MOSAIC software - $1296.
• From SA History a training grant towards the cost of Daryl Stevenson attending MOSAIC database training for 2 days - $264. October 2015: Daryl Stevenson attended the 3 day course and Rod Foster attended Day 1.
• From the Mt Barker District Council Community Grants Program for the purchase of a 4 panel display system - $1000.
In the past 12 months we have welcomed three enthusiastic new members to the group. The current members of the group are:
Lesley Schack / Betty White / Daryl Stevenson / Rod Foster / Brenton Handke / Phil Davis
1. May 2016: A working bee was held at the St John’s Anglican Church Cemetery to clean up the site, rake leaves, remove small saplings, piles of fallen branches and in particular, to remove a large bush growing from a bricked family plot. This work was done in consultation with Mr Clyde Slack, Caretaker of the cemetery, and Mrs Donna Jones, Registrar and Secretary of the Diocese of the Murray, The Anglican Church of Australia. Eleven willing workers came to help and later Steve Gardner mulched and removed the large pile of debris from the roadside.
This project is on-going. We aim to repair or replace the fence and pathways and add signage to this historical cemetery including names, where known, on the individual graves. We hope to obtain funding/grants as applicable and encourage community involvement with working bees to maintain the grounds.
2. Compiling an Inventory of the complete History Collection including folders of photographs, printed documents and other memorabilia. We will then be in a position to consult with History SA about the preservation needs and conservation of the collection. While the collection is significant at a local community level it may also require a more systematic National Significance Assessment being carried out in the future.
3. Discovering the story behind the establishment of the Recreation Grounds and Oval and the move to form their own Committee, with research into the old MCA Reports dating back to the 1940s and newspaper articles etc. An interesting report will soon be available to read on the history website and in the Newsletter.
4. Publishing the Macclesfield Cheese Factory book which is based on oral histories recorded in 2013. The manuscript is currently being edited by Mr Bernard O’Neil and it is hopefully to be published in March 2017. We have applied for a grant from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) to cover the cost of editing and proof reading and also a grant to cover further costs of printing and publishing from History SA. Fingers crossed!
5. Organising an History SA event – a travelling exhibition "Once Upon A Time" to be held in the Anglican Hall in November 2016 and inviting the community to participate with photos and old toys from their childhood.
6. The MOSAIC database - is a comprehensive software application for storing and interconnecting historical information about places, people, events, organisations, artefacts, photographs, old records, and just about everything else you can think about. We are currently working on entering two major sources of people’s names;
• Burial Records
St John’s Anglican Church Cemetery, Macclesfield General Cemetery and other smaller cemeteries. (Shirley and Ray Risely along with Betty White were the main collectors of this information).
• "Macclesfield Jubilee 1849-1990 - Families Old and New"
(Published by the Macclesfield Community Newsletter Committee)
This is being done in two stages:
Firstly, just the names of people and the connections between them are being manually entered. Secondly, each source contains extensive “back” stories. These stories will be transferred digitally into the data base and connected to the names already entered in first stage.
We expect this database entry work to take us well into 2017. There are several other sources of names in the History Group’s archives, as well as other types of historical archives, including photographs, so we are not likely to run out of work anytime soon.
It is important that we find a way to make this information accessible, for public researchers, as the database grows, because it is likely to be a work in progress for a long time. This is a technical issue we need to address in the future.
7. Macclesfield History website
The website is regularly updated and there are now 49 pages and 226 images on the site. Data from Google Analytics tells us that in the past 12 months there have been 4203 users and 11,033 page views.
We have added a store to the site to sell Jim Faull’s book ‘Reflections along the Angas’. Soon, other offerings will be available.
8. Family History responses to public enquiries
On average we have 2 or 3 email enquiries a month, or through our website, from people researching their family history. This could mean a search through the history archives and an exchange of emails. These enquires are documented with any new information being added to the family notes.
2015 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
NOVEMBER 2014: Members of the group attended a History SA workshop at Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide to prepare for the ‘About Time 2015’ history festival in May.
DECEMBER 2014: Public presentation and afternoon tea at the Institute to celebrate the return of an historic medallion. The National Trust- Mt Barker Branch presented the medal inscribed ‘PG Boyle 1906 at the Macclesfield Sports’ to the Macclesfield Community. Historic records indicate that it may have been awarded at the annual Catholic Picnic and Sports Day event held on New Year’s Day 1906.
FEBRUARY 2015: Launch of the Macclesfield Community History website at http://macclesfieldhistory.com.au. The group continues to add further historic data to the site. We receive many interstate enquires via the website, from people researching their family history.
MARCH 2015: The History Group Members attended the Opening of the ANZAC Memorial Garden at the invitation of the RSL. The group set up a history display and lots of people stopped for a chat about the past and their family connections to Macclesfield. This RSL event was recorded on the website.
MAY 2015: For the 2015 HistorySA 'History Month' a successful ‘Poets in the Pub’ event was held at the Three Brother’s Arms Hotel. Publicans Kylie and Paul Vischjager were the hosts. Fifty people were entertained by the ‘Shy Poets’ and the ‘Bogaduck’ bush band in the historic building.
A group of Year 2/3/4 children from the Macclesfield Primary School visited the history group at the Institute building. They were accompanied by teacher Natalie Jones. She plans to bring them each term to learn more about local history.
JUNE 2015: As a fund-raising venture, we have produced cards for sale using images from the history collection. They are sold at the Sunday market and will be on sale at the Strawberry Fete.
Betty White/Daryl Stevenson/Lesley Schack
2014 Report to the Macclesfield Community Association AGM
Throughout 2013 we interviewed and recorded fifteen Oral Histories for the project, ‘The Macclesfield Butter and Cheese factory 1937-1975.’ The History Group also provided the State Library with transcriptions of these interviews.
SEPTEMBER 2013: A grant from the MCA allowed Carol Prey and Lesley Schack to attend one day of the ‘Biennial National Conference of the Oral History Association of Australia & State History Conference’. Margaret Jackson and Lesley Schack also went to a half day workshop- ‘Using Oral Histories in Exhibitions and Public Programs.’
Final acquittal of grant from History SA with purchase of lap-top and work continued on safely storing the records and photos in the collection. Work commenced in preparation for digitising these resources.
FEBRUARY 2014: We celebrated the launch of the Oral History Project with Participants/Interviewees at the Institute. Special guests and members of the MCA were also invited. Trophies and Awards kindly donated by the Gallasch family to the MCA, were on display. These trophies/awards are now in the Trophy Cabinet and donation forms have been completed by the Gallasch family. A photographic display and a short compilation of the recordings added to the proceedings. A lovely afternoon tea was enjoyed by all. MCA reimbursed project expenses of $353.
MARCH 2014: At the invitation of the National Trust- Mt Barker branch, the History Group gave a talk on our local area. It was well received.
APRIL 2014: 1) Daly family reunion- Betty White liaised with them in regards to their family history. This included the old family home, school they had attended and where grand- father Jim Daly had been killed in a tragic accident. A walking route was planned to take in these sites and the Catholic Church /old school was opened for viewing. 2) In the history room, shelving donated by Margaret Jackson was installed and the carpet cleaned.
MAY 2014: Walking/Driving tour of old Macclesfield. A group of ten locals enjoyed the chance to see inside some of our historic buildings. This was also an opportunity for Gordon Thurmer to practise his video skills.
JUNE 2014: Betty White, Margaret Jackson and Lesley Schack attended a digitisation workshop held by History SA at the Institute building, North Terrace, Adelaide. The knowledge gained will assist us to load historical photos/ documents onto a data base for easy access and preservation.
We also recently interviewed two local people who talked about their earlier lives. The Interviewees were Jim Smith and Betty White. These recordings are now with the State Library.
We continue to contribute items of historical interest to the Newsletter and follow up many enquiries regarding family history and photos.
JULY 2014: Oral History Group awarded $250 Lizzie Russell Grant to cover some of the expenses incurred during the project.
Betty White/Lesley Schack/Geraldine Jones