Macclesfield Table Tennis
• A Brief History of the Macclesfield Table Tennis Club
• Notes from our documents
• Office Bearers
• Trophy Winners
A Brief History of the Macclesfield Table Tennis Club
(Sue Gunter - 15/12/2018)
(Peter Baraglia has updated some names June 2021)
The Macclesfield Table Tennis Club has a long and proud history as part of the Hills Central Table Tennis Association (HCTTA). Grades include A, B, C and D with trophies awarded to the competition winners at the end of each season. The season normally runs from May to September with a pre-season meeting held in February to determine the numbers of teams.
Macclesfield Table Tennis Club has, over many years, provided the venue for the ‘end of year’ mystery doubles competition (open to all) and the presentation of trophies to the competition winner of each grade. Participants bring supper to share with all.
The dedication and involvement of Ray Nourse (Meadows) has been instrumental in the Hills Central Table Tennis Association putting together a program each year, writing match reviews and recording match results so finals could be conducted each year, procuring trophies and running the Mystery Doubles Competition. There is also a long list of people who have supported and assisted the Association.
Originally, the number of players in each team numbered 8 with the mandatory inclusion of two female members. Over the years this rule was relaxed with the difficulty encountered of meeting this requirement. The pressures of work and family commitments saw the numbers in teams diminish from 8 to 6 to now 4. Supper, provided by the ‘Home’ team (at the conclusion of matches) is an opportunity to meet, talk and discuss local events.
Teams (at one time) stretched from Willunga, McLaren Vale, McLaren Flat, Blewitt Springs, Prospect Hill, The Range, Hope Forest, Currency Creek, Meadows, Flaxley, Echunga, Hahndorf and together with Macclesfield formed the Association and travelled the district playing at the different venues in these towns on a Wednesday evening. Unfortunately, time and circumstances have seen the demise of some of these clubs over the years.
The Hills Central Table Tennis Association now consists of McLaren Vale, McLaren Flat, Meadows, Flaxley and Macclesfield with the number of teams provided by each club in the Association still falling. Inter Association matches between Alexandrina, Hills, Torrens Valley and Willunga were held yearly but this involvement has gradually waned with lots of difficulty experienced to get enough commitment from players to participate in these tournaments.
Teams for Macclesfield over the years have included many well-known residents:
Ricki Calaby, Ken Willsmore, Roger Norris-Green, members of the Davis family (Sandra, Jim and Barry), Sue Wright, Brian & Sue Gunter, Greg Marlu, John Skinner, Ron Williams, Ian Tomlinson, Sam Brackstone, Helen Thomas, Rod Angel, Peter & Karen Baraglia (as well as Kent, Stacey & Aimee (and Jay Shepherd)), Doug Duffield, Geoff Brockhouse, Walter Culture, Kevin & Ryan Meece and Leanne Pearce, Peter Radford, Narelle King, Paul & Syd Farrow, Stan Forkert, Wayne Dunningham, Andrew Wilhelm, Dillon Thompson, Paul Thomas, Nick Male, Jim Sneesby, Darryl Stott, Grant Frith and David Smith and others who have ‘filled’ in.
In the 80’s, Roger Norris Green took up the role to write reviews for the Courier. He gave each player in each of the teams a nickname and these match reviews were read and highly regarded throughout the Hills as well as read with interest by players from within other Associations.
Current Members of the Macclesfield Table Tennis Club include:
Peter Baraglia (President), Greg Marlu (Vice President), Walter Culture, Sue Wright, Sue Gunter (Secretary/Treasurer), Coralie Weston, Lucas Schack, Cooper & Kym Truran and Geoff Harris (fill-in). New members would be welcomed.
In recent history:
• Peter Baraglia has been instrumental in keeping the Macclesfield Table Tennis Club ‘alive’, with his willingness to take on the role of President; and to assist at events to raise awareness of the existence of the Club, i.e. BBQ at the Macclesfield Horse Show and involvement in the Strawberry Fete.
• Greg Marlu has shown his dedication to the Table Tennis Club with his involvement at the Strawberry Fete and teaching/training ‘up and coming’ players on how to play. He was instrumental in the move of the Club from the Institute to the Macclesfield Primary School and ‘after-hours’ training where primary school students were encouraged to learn the fundamentals of Table Tennis and had access to the Club’s tables.
• Sue Gunter has, over the years, played a crucial role as Secretary/Treasurer – keeping the records and finances and providing a conduit between the Table Tennis Association, School and Club.
• Walter Culture has attended many Association meetings (on behalf of the Club) where the numbers of teams and names of players were tabled. He has met with various Macclesfield Primary School Principals at the start of the Table Tennis Season to facilitate the availability of the School’s Gymnasium and access to Table Tennis Tables.
The Macclesfield Table Tennis Club membership has dwindled to two teams of 4 with other Community members agreeing to “fill in” when some other commitment interfered with the players’ ability to attend a match. In an effort to raise awareness and increase club numbers, a table has been set up at the Macclesfield Strawberry Fete over the last few years and the community encouraged to ‘have a hit’. Practices are held in the Primary School Gymnasium during the Table Tennis Season and community members are welcome to also attend.
Notes from our documents:
From our 1990 publication "Macclesfield Jubilee 1840-1990, Families Old and New", compiled by the Macclesfield Community Newsletter Committee.
CALABY FAMILY: The family have been associated with cricket, football, tennis, netball, softball, volleyball and table tennis as well as the School Welfare, the School Council and the Community Association.
COLLINS FAMILY: Geoff and Fay Collins were married in April 1978 and lived in Macclesfield until December 1987, when they moved to the South-East near Bordertown. They lived at Walker Street until 1985, then Luck Street for three years. They have two children, Brett (born 1980) and Rachel (born 1982). Fay, daughter of George and Betty Wyatt, had spent all of her life in Macclesfield, until 1987. She competed successfully in many local sports including tennis, netball, basketball and table tennis. She was captain, coach and on various committees of these different sports over the years. Geoff, who was originally from Meadows and Strathalbyn, played football, tennis and table tennis and was an active member of the CFS.
DAVIS FAMILY (Barry and Faye): Barry began playing table tennis at the age of seventeen and has played almost continuously ever since then - with one or two seasons off with a knee injury. He and Paul are still playing for the Club and this year teamed up as doubles partners. The Macclesfield Table Tennis Club went into recess for some years, but the matches continued under the banner of the (then) Methodist Church and later reverted to a town team again. Faye and Scott have also played some seasons.
DAVIS FAMILY (Colin and Joyce): Both have played sport for the local clubs: Colin - football, tennis, cricket and table tennis, and he still plays bowls for the Meadows Club; Joyce - basketball, tennis and table tennis. She still remembers the controversy that resulted when the hemline of their basketball uniforms was raised to knee level.
DAVIS FAMILY (Jim and Rhonda): Jim, Greg, and Leanne have all played table tennis for the Macclesfield Club; this being Jim's thirty-second year of participation.
NORRIS-GREEN Family: Roger and Elaine. The family have been involved in both the Tennis and Table Tennis Clubs.
PASSFIELD Family: As the sole survivor of my family - parents and five children - I am still living on the original farm and had my seventieth birthday on June 22, 1990. I was christened Hubert but am always known as Bert. I played table tennis here for many years.
From: "STRATHALBYN 1839 – 2006" by Brian Simpson. (Updated in 2018)
TABLE TENNIS: “Ping pong”, as the game was then called, was played in the district at least as early as 1902, when the Argus reported on matches between Strathalbyn and Ashbourne. It was rarely mentioned again until a Methodist Table Tennis Club formed in 1937, and was reported as playing against Macclesfield in front of a large crowd. By 1939 a Hills Association had been formed which included two teams from Strathalbyn.
From the "LEMAR FAMILY TREE" by Paul Lemar
IAN (Jim) DAVIS: Ian played table tennis for Macclesfield for over forty years.
From Mechanics Institute Building notes:
The minutes of the Institute Committee reveal that for the next hundred years the people of the town have gained enormous value from their hall. It has been used for dancing, lectures, skating, bazaars, square dancing, movie pictures, table tennis, concerts and numerous public meetings that have shaped the welfare of the district.
Office Bearers
2024: Greg Marlu- President, Peter Baraglia - Vice President (last year), Sue Gunter - Secretary/Treasurer, Andrew Jones - Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
1958 | L Broadbent | J Cock/F Baughan | K Dunk | |
1959 | L Broadbent | J Cock/F Baughan | C MacIntosh | Dr R Pridmore |
1960 | D Downing | F Baughan/L Broadbent | J E Broadbent | Dr R Pridmore |
1961 | D Downing | F Baughan/S Schofield | Payne | Dr R Pridmore |
1962 | S Schofield | L Broadbent | B Braendler | R Stubbs |
1963 | S Schofield | L Broadbent | T Caddy | R Stubbs |
1964 | S Schofield | B Wickham | R Hill | F Baughan |
1965 | S Schofield | G Usher | C Pike | R Stubbs |
1966 | S Schofield | D Fry | P Wittwer | R Stubbs |
1967 | P Stubbs | S Schofield | J Francis | R Stubbs |
1968 | J Francis | P Stubbs | R Bristow | R Stubbs |
1969 | J Francis | D Fry | W Atkinson | R Stubbs |
1970 | J Francis | B Wickham | M Van De Kamp | |
1971 | C Brooks | P Wickham | J D'Angelo | |
1972 | R Hill | J Francis | D Wickham/K Wilson | |
1973 | J Barnett | J Francis | D Wickham | |
1974 | W Atkinson | I White | J Davis | |
1975 | W Bassham | C Pike | M Rowley | |
1976 | J Francis | W Atkinson | R Evans | |
1977 | J Francis | L Lambert | J Deimel | |
1978 | J Francis | M Buckley | M Rau | LIFE MEMBERS |
1979 | J Francis | M Buckley | Caddy | J Francis |
1980 | J Francis | D Langmaid | S Farrow | |
1981 | J Francis | D Langmaid | A D'Angelo | |
1982 | J Francis | D Langmaid | R Lovell | |
1983 | R Nourse | J Francis | R Clemson | D Downing |
1984 | R Nourse | S Hooper | C Harvey | |
1985 | R Nourse | S Hooper | N Smith/J Burford | |
1986 | R Nourse | S Hooper | D Paech | |
1987 | S Hooper | N Sibley | R Nourse | |
1988 | R Nourse | S Hooper | W McIntyre | |
1989 | R Nourse | S Hooper | K Kaesler | |
1990 | R Nourse | S Hooper | K Wilson | C Pike |
1991 | R Nourse | S Hooper | C Harvey | |
1992 | R Nourse | R Haskett | G Thayne | R Nourse |
1993 | B Gunter | R Lovell | C Harvey | |
1994 | B Gunter | R Lovell | M Tugwell | R Lovell |
1995 | B Gunter | G Marlu | R Nourse | |
1996 | R Nourse | B McAllister | R O'Hare | |
1997 | N Sibley | R Fell | A Eckert | |
1998 | R Fell | Darryl Peters | Donna Peters | |
1999 | R Fell | Darryl Peters | Donna Peters | |
2000 | R Fell | Darryl Peters | S Gunter | |
2001 | R Fell | P Coldrey | D Soutar | |
2002 | P Coldrey | B Bristow | R Nourse | |
2003 | P Coldrey | R Fell | John Hazel | |
2004 | P Coldrey | R Fell | W Clark | |
2005 | P Coldrey | R Fell | R Fell | |
2006 | P Coldrey | R Fell | S Gunter | |
2007 | S Gunter | P Askham | D Benson/D Elliott | |
2008 | P Askham | S Gunter | R Nourse | |
2009 | P Askham | S Gunter | P Lang | |
2010 | P Askham | S Gunter | G Keech | S Gunter |
2011 | P Askham | S Gunter | G Keech | |
2012 | P Askham | S Gunter | G Marlu | |
2013 | P Askham | S Gunter | S Hart | |
2014 | P Askham | S Gunter | R Nourse | |
2015 | P Askham | S Gunter | S Stanbury | D Elliott |
2016 | P Askham | D Elliott | G Keech | |
2017 | P Askham | R Nourse | G Keech | |
2018 | P Askham | R Nourse | G Keech | P Askham/G Keech |
HCTTA Trophy Winners
A GRADE: Dr. R.V. Pridmore Trophy B Grade: Gilberts's Transport Service Trophy
1958 | Mount Barker Postal | 1958 | Macclesfield | |
1959 | Macclesfield | 1959 | McLaren Flat White | |
1960 | McLaren Flat | 1960 | Echunga Red | |
1961 | Meadows | 1961 | Macclesfield Methodist | |
1962 | Meadows | 1962 | McLaren Flat | |
1963 | Meadows | 1963 | Flaxley | |
1964 | Flaxley | 1964 | Hope Forest | |
1965 | Flaxley | 1965 | Hope Forest | |
1966 | Meadows Green | 1966 | McLaren Flat | |
1967 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1967 | Macclesfield Methodist | |
1968 | McLaren Flat Gold | 1968 | Prospect Hill | |
1969 | Meadows Green | 1969 | Hope Forest Black | |
1970 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1970 | Meadows Green | |
1971 | McLaren Flat Gold | 1971 | Willunga | |
1972 | McLaren Flat Gold | 1972 | Willunga | |
1973 | McLaren Flat | 1973 | Willunga | |
1974 | Meadows Gold | 1974 | McLaren Flat Blue | |
1975 | Hahndorf | 1975 | Flaxley Blue | |
1976 | Echunga | 1976 | Prospect Hill | |
1977 | Hahndorf | 1977 | Macclesfield | |
1978 | Hahndorf | 1978 | McLaren Flat | |
1979 | Hahndorf | 1979 | The Range | |
1980 | McLaren Flat | 1980 | McLaren Flat | |
1981 | Meadows | 1981 | Echunga | |
1982 | Meadows | 1982 | McLaren Flat | |
1983 | Macclesfield | 1983 | McLaren Vale | |
1984 | Meadows Green | 1984 | McLaren Flat | |
1985 | Meadows Gold | 1985 | Echunga | |
1986 | Meadows Green | 1986 | The Range | |
1987 | McLaren Flat | 1987 | McLaren Flat | |
1988 | Meadows Gold | 1988 | McLaren Flat Gold | |
1989 | Meadows Gold | 1989 | Prospect Hill | |
1990 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1990 | The Range | |
1991 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1991 | Meadows | |
1992 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1992 | McLaren Flat | |
1993 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1993 | The Range | |
1994 | McLaren Flat Gold | 1994 | Flaxley | |
1995 | McLaren Flat Gold | 1995 | McLaren Vale Ranges Blue | |
1996 | McLaren Flat Blue | 1996 | Flaxley United | |
1997 | Blewitt Springs | 1997 | Flaxley | |
1998 | Flaxley White | 1998 | Blewitt Springs Green | |
1999 | McLaren Flat Muscat | 1999 | Currency Creek | |
2000 | Blewitt Springs | 2000 | Willunga Wildcats | |
2001 | Meadows | 2001 | Meadows Green | |
2002 | Blewitt Springs Gold | 2002 | Flaxley Blue | |
2003 | Meadows Gold | 2003 | Flaxley Blue | |
2004 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2004 | McLaren Vale | |
2005 | Meadows Gold | 2005 | McLaren Flat Blue | |
2006 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2006 | McLaren Flat Blue | |
2007 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2007 | Flaxley | |
2008 | Meadows Gold | 2008 | McLaren Flat Blue | |
2009 | Meadows Gold | 2009 | McLaren Flat Gold | |
2010 | McLaren Vale | 2010 | Flaxley | |
2011 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2011 | McLaren Flat Blue | |
2012 | McLaren Vale | 2012 | Flaxley | |
2013 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2013 | Meadows Green | |
2014 | McLaren Flat Gold | 2014 | Macclesfield | |
2015 | McLaren Flat | 2015 | Flaxley United | |
2016 | Meadows Green | 2016 | Meadows Gold | |
2017 | Meadows Green | 2017 | Meadows Gold | |
2018 | Meadows Green | 2018 | Meadows Gold |

Geoff Harris, Greg Marlu, Sue Wright, Coralie (Coz) Weston.
2012 Hills Central Table Tennis Association
Stacey Baraglia, Premiership Captain, Maccy Black, D Grade
Sue Gunter, Premiership Captain, Maccy Red, C Grade
2011 Macclesfield Table Tennis A&B Grade
Back: Sue Wright (nee Huppatz), Greg Marlu, Ryan Meese, Kevin Meese, Walter Culture.
Front: Helen Thomas.
2012 Hills Central Table Tennis Association
Macclesfield Red, C Grade Premier
Sam Brackstone, Sue Gunter, David Smith, absent Rod Angel
D Grade Grand Final Winners, 2012
"Team Baraglia": Peter, Karen, Stacey, Kent Baraglia.