The Lemar's
Also see Glimpses of the Past - John Lemar, as told to Betty White
• The White's and Lemar's, probably by Ray Risely
• Oswald Lemar; A Tribute, by Gerald O'Callaghan
• Lemar Family from our publication "Macclesfield Jubilee 1840-1990 Families Old and New"
• The Lemar Family Tree. Editing in progress :) (Could be a slow process - much to add.)
NOTE: Nat and Paul Lemar have done massive family research over the years, providing us with a 158 page Word document! They are related to many of the old families of Macclesfield and so their story is a valuable genealogical resource for this area. Data has been derived from various genealogical sources (eg. and from Trove, the Australian history database, as well as government War Records.
Past newspapers have been scanned or photographed and placed on the Trove website. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software has been used to convert the text in the images to actual text that can be edited in eg Word. But, it doesn't always do a good job! There are many spelling errors in the text on Trove! Gradually we will add Nat's 158 pages, but be aware that you may need to do further research to guarantee accuracy. (And let us know any inaccuracies please).
The White's & Lemar's
From "The White's & Lemar's.ppp", a Macclesfield Newsletter article, probably by Ray Risely, a past member.
This is the third in our series, highlighting the story of some of the pioneers of our local district, through the photos of old homes or ruins, where they lived and brought up their families.
The White’s
Patrick and Margaret White (nee Hogan) lived for quite some time in the house pictured here, out on Shady Grove Road, before eventually relocating into Venables Street in Macclesfield.
White’s house in Paris Creek
Among the children in the family, the following were born in or near Macclesfield.
Edward & Edmund | 14th Nov 1868 |
Bridget | 18th Oct 1870 |
Patrick | 18th Sep 1872 |
Ellen | 23rd May 1875 |
Ann | 27th May 1881 |
There may also have been a Michael born c1867, a Catherine, a Margaret, and a Thomas who we understand lived only for one month. As far as we are able to ascertain none of the children are recorded as having married here in South Australia and therefore, we know of no descendants.
J.T. Kerslake Sen. bought the Paris Creek property and an Italian employee of his, one Tony Donati, lived in the house whilst working for him. In October of 1939, the Ferrarese family moved in, share-farming the property and eventually buying it. The Ferrarese family later built a new house on the opposite side of the road, which is still occupied today by well-known Macclesfield identity Mario Ferrarese. (Update: - Mario Ferrarese no longer lives in the family home on Shady Grove road… Mario's niece Mary and her husband Jeff Whittaker run Shady Grove Dairy, on this property now.)
In the St John’s Catholic Church here in Macclesfield, one of the windows is dedicated to Patrick and Margaret White.
The Lemar’s
The photograph below is of a house belonging to one branch of the Lemar family and it was also situated out on Shady Grove Road, in the area of Tea Tree Swamp as it was known back in earlier days.
Lemar's Shady Grove house, taken 2012
Thomas Lemar, a shoemaker and gardener, arrived in SA from Canterbury England in 1837 and, in 1852 along with his two sons, John Thomas and William, purchased a considerable parcel of land in the area known as Shady Grove.
Thomas was apparently quite well known as a successful cultivator and was mentioned in Loyau’s book “Representative Men of South Australia”. The text reads: -
"LEMAR, THOMAS, One of the early South Australian pioneers. He arrived by the ship Resource in 1837, and was one of the first settlers at the Black Forest, and afterwards of Macclesfield, where he resided till the time of his death, which occurred January, 1882, in his eighty-second year. Mr. Lemar may be regarded as a very successful cultivator and horticulturist, and he for many years in succession carried off prizes at the Mount Barker and Strathalbyn Shows."
His son John Thomas married a Sarah Wood, and between 1859 and 1882 they raised nine children in the area, whilst the other son William, married Ann Norah Carey, on the 16th of July 1856 at the home of his father Thomas, out at Tea Tree Swamp and they had some seven children who were also born in the Macclesfield area.
Lemar is of course still a well-known family name in Macclesfield. Mention of the early family is made in the book “Macclesfield, Reflections along the Angas”.
Oswald Lemar; A Tribute, by Gerald O'Callaghan
from a document by Ray and/or Shirley Risely, about 2009
During History Week (22-31 May) the three churches in Macclesfield intend once again to cooperate in conducting a history walk, during which the walkers will be invited to visit the churches in Macclesfield and view the exhibitions arranged in each. In preparation for the event, articles relating to past church and town personalities will appear in the Macclesfield Newsletter. This first tribute features some memories of Oswald (Os) Lemar.
Except for the years when he served in the Australian army in the Pacific, Ossie spent his life in Macclesfield (1922- 1987). But it is not for his work as factory hand, farmer or RSL President that he is primarily remembered, but for the way he lived his life and for the very moment of his dying.
He loved people; wife Roma, sons Graham and Paul of course, as well as the wider circle around him. He seemed to be there when others needed him. Even in later years when he himself was sick, he would visit those who were housebound to ask for jobs that he could do on their behalf. He was seen as a merry man, making many witty interruptions at meetings and always prepared to tell a good story.
Even the night before his first heart bypass operation he invited his family to drink to his "good health", for tomorrow, he said with strange foresight, "the lights go out". True enough, just before his operation, Adelaide had a complete power failure and hospitals had to turn to emergency power.
The premonitions continued. On a Saturday a friend went searching for Os. The sure place to find him was at the church, working. That particular morning he was mowing the grass around the Catholic church in preparation for the following Sunday. "You'll die in this place one day", quipped his friend. "What better place could you chose?" rejoined Os.
The next day, October lst 1989, after receiving the Eucharist and wine himself, Os moved with the priest to distribute communion to the congregation. Among the first to receive the host was his sister, Win, then he slowly crumpled to the floor ensuring not a drop of wine was spilt.
Efforts to revive him by First Aid members in the church and later ambulance attendants were unsuccessful. The visiting priest anointed him before his body was removed. He then baptized baby Simon Thomas: one soul entered eternal life and another began the journey.

Lemar Family
from our publication Macclesfield Jubilee 1840-1990 Families Old and New
Thomas LEMAR and his sons William and John arrived in South Australia in 1837. By 1852 they owned land at Paris Creek, naming it "Shady Grove". The family were well known horticulturalists and won many prizes for their produce. Thomas died in 1882 and by 1909 the property had grown to 147 acres and had been passed down to three descendants - Alfred, William and George.
George married Mary NESTOR, the daughter of a pioneering family and they continued to live on the property. They had one child, Edmund, who, when old enough, helped to deliver vegetables to Strathalbyn and Milang; a two day round trip with a wagon and two horses. As a sideline they burnt marble to produce building lime. George passed away in 1931 and Mary in 1953.
Edmund and his wife Dorothy and their children, Betty, Oswald and Winifred moved to Bugle Ranges in January 1934; Dorothy died in March of the same year. Their children were educated at the Wistow School and later at the Convent at Macclesfield - walking both ways in all weather.
After returning from service in World War II, Oswald married Roma SMITH of Norwood and their two sons Graham and Paul were educated at Macclesfield and at Mt. Barker High School. The family are well known in local sporting circles, Graham for football and cricket and Paul for football, cricket and softball. Since retiring from tennis Roma plays bowls with the Meadows Bowling Club. "Os" passed away in 1989; he had been a familiar figure 'around' Macclesfield, always with a smile and a cheerful joke despite his health problems.
Winifred married Ron MOTT and still lives in Macclesfield and Betty, now Betty HENLEY, lives in Western Australia.
During his lifetime, their father Edmund, was a prominent figure in the Macclesfield Rifle Club as well as being a lifelong supporter of all the town activities - including fifteen years as a starter for the athletic events at the New Years Day Picnic.
Nestor Bible 1886
Thomas LeMar & Mary Gobell Marriage Certificate. Link to larger .pdf copy here.
LeMar family cross front and back.
John Thomas and Sarah LeMar
• Generation 1
• Generation 2
• Generation 3
• Generation 4
• Generation 5
• Generation 6
• Generation 7
Generation 1
SAMUEL LEMAR, baptized 1742 St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. He married Ann WILDBORE on the 8th December 1765 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. Ann died 9th March 1802 and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate, Broad Street, Canterbury, Kent, England. Samuel died 22nd December 1803 and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
SAMUEL LEMAR & ANN WILDBORE had 8 children: -
ROBERT WILDBORE LEMAR, baptized 4th October 1767 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. He married Mary FIELD 29th November 1789 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. Mary was born in 1767 in Northgate, England. In later years they were living at Broad St Passage, Northgate. Robert died 24th November 1839 and is buried in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. Mary died 25th June 1837 in Northgate and is buried in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England
ANN LEMAR, baptized 17th September 1769 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. Ann died 3rd October 1772 and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
SUSANNA LEMAR, baptized 1st September 1771 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
JOHN LEMAR baptized 23rd October 1774 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
WILLIAM LEMAR baptized 26th May 1776 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
SOPHIA LEMAR baptized 19th July 1780 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
SAMUEL LEMAR baptized 10th March 1784 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
ANN LEMAR baptized 25th July 1787 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England. Ann died 28th October 1791 and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate. England.
Generation 2
6 children.
JOHN LEMAR, baptized 1790 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. John died 28th October 1791 Northgate and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
JOHN THOMAS LEMAR, baptized 22nd April 1792 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. John died 18th March1796 Northgate and is buried St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
MARY ANN LEMAR, baptized 6th April 1794 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
ANN LEMAR, born 1796 Northgate, England.
WILLIAM LEMAR, baptized 20th April 1798 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. He married Charlotte CHEESEMAN 23rd October 1820 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England.
THOMAS WILLIAM LEMAR, baptized 13th July 1801 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. He was a Cordwainer. He married Mary Anne (Ellen) GOBLE (GOBELL), 29th June 1828 in St Mary's Church, Northgate, England. The officiating minister was John Birt Brian and they signed in the presence of John Gobell and Mary Ann Brian. Mary was born in 1810 in Northgate, England. Thomas was a shoemaker and gardener in Northgate St Canterbury, England.
Thomas applied to come to Australia and on the 7th October 1838 Thomas, Mary, Thomas Jnr, John and Jane left London on the teak-built barque "Resource", Application 3003, Embarkment 1627, and they arrived in Pt Adelaide, SA, on the 23rd January 1839. On the voyage over, of the 2700 sheep on board destined for Mr. D. Macfarlane's of NSW, 2280 were lost.
They first settled at Black Forest. On the 22nd May 1846 Thomas was issued with a Protection Notice as tenant of No.109, District B, County of Adelaide. Pursuant to section 28 of the Act of Council No. 8, 4th Victoria, being "An Act to authorise and regulate the Impounding of Cattle." This notice was to protect land that was not enclosed with good and sufficient fences.
They then lived for a brief time in Glenelg, SA. On 11th December 1848 Thomas and Mary Ann were assaulted by Mitchell at the Forrest Inn on Glenelg Rd. Mitchell struck Thomas and Mary Ann then spat in Mitchells face, which resulted in Mitchell striking her with a clenched fist. Mary Ann required medical attention from the result. They went to court on the 28th of December with Mitchell being fined £5 and taken into custody.
Thomas Mitchell, labourer, Edward's Town Road, appeared to the complaint of Thomas LeMar for assaulting him and Mary Anne, his wife, at the 'Forrest Inn,' Glenelg Road, on the 11th December. Mr Poulden for the complainants (LeMars). Mr Stephen for the defendant (Mitchell), who pleaded not guilty. Thomas LeMar stated that he called with his wife on Tuesday, the 11th instant, at the ' Forest Inn,' on his way from town. Thomas Mitchell came out of the house and said he wanted a word with him. Thomas Lemar declined the conference, and then Mitchell struck him on each cheek with his open hand. He also struck Mary Ann Lemar. Mitchell said he had been transported for seven years for robbing the Queen, of her shoe strings, and he did not mind transportation or imprisonment so long as he had his revenge.
By Mr Stephen - I did not see Mary Ann Lemar spit in the Mitchells face, nor did she kick Mitchell on the shin. He accused both Lemar and his wife of traducing him. He struck Mary Ann Lemar with his clenched fists. The witness here laughed outright, and Mr Stephen sat down, saying, his Worship could scarcely take the matter seriously when Thomas Lemar only considered it a joke. Mary Ann LeMar gave a similar statement. She did spit in defendants face after be struck her.
Dr Cotter stated that he had attended Mary Ann since the assault. She was still under treatment, and in fact it was scarcely prudent of her to be there that day. That was the Lemars' case. Mr Stephen said the Lemars had summoned two witnesses, who, although in attendance, had not been called. His Worship said well then, you call them. Mr Stephen would wish to hear their statements, yet it was scarcely prudent to call adverse witnesses. He called William Hodges, bullock driver, who stated that he saw the whole affair. Mitchell asked the LeMars what they had to say about him, and Mrs Lemar spit in his face. Mitchell then struck Thomas LeMar and Mary pitched into him. John Carpenter gave a similar account of that transaction. Mitchell stated that in speaking to Mrs LeMar he blew in her face, and she spat in his, and the assault arose from that.
Mr Stephen — Oh that's nothing. He merely blew in the woman's face. His Worship — What do you call a blow in the face, nothing? Mr Stephen said it was a most trumpery complaint. The offence and assault proceeded from the Lemars. Lemar himself could not refrain from laughing at the absurdity of his own complaint. His Worship, on the contrary, thought it a very severe assault, and one not justified even if Mary Ann had spit in Mitchells face. His Worship saw the Lemars that night, and could say the complaint was not a trumpery one. He would fine Mitchell £5. Mr Stephen hoped his Worship would remit a portion of the fine. Mitchell was a mere day labourer, and the assault if not trumpery was still slight. Mitchell asked tor time to pay the fine. He was without money. His Worship could give no time and the man was removed in custody.
Thomas and Mary:
In 1850 they lived at the Bay Rd, Glenelg. In 1852 Thomas and his sons, William and John purchased section 3343 in the Green Hills Special Survey in an area called "Shady Grove". This land was first advertised on the 8th April 1851. By 1852 they owned the land at Paris Creek naming it "Shady Grove". His sons; John and William owned a 13 ½ acres section each in the middle of the land.
This land consisted of all soil types; quick sand, pure white sand, black soil, red hard soil and a lot of brown soil. 6 acres of this land was a rich Teatree Swamp which after years of toil in clearing and draining they created a valuable vegetable garden. In March 1855 at the Mt Barker show Thomas presented a great variety of kitchen vegetables, including horse-radish, parsley, mint, sage, marjoram, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, green peas, and pickling cabbages. In September of the same year a gigantic white stone turnip radish, which measured upwards of two feet four inches in circumference was pulled in a garden situated in the Teatree Swamp, near Macclesfield, the property of Thomas Lemar. This radish was not, as may be supposed from its extraordinary dimensions, spongy, or hollow inside, but was perfectly sound and edible, and admirably adapted to assist in the composition of a salad. The soil on which it grew was new ground, without a particle of manure, thus proving the fertility of some of our Australian valleys.
Thomas had been long famous for the size and excellence of the potatoes raised on his property, and some of the vegetable productions which he grew were astonishing. On 16th April 1855 Thomas was granted a slaughtering license. Thomas had produce in the Strathalbyn Show in 1857. Thomas raised nearly 30 tons of potatoes from 3 acres of land; many of them weighing 2 lb, and some 2 lb.10 oz in early April 1856.
They were well known horticulturalists and won many prizes for their produce. Thomas was sufficiently well known to be noted in Loyau's book Representative Men of South Australia, published in 1883, where he was described as a very successful cultivar and horticulturalist who for many years in succession had won prizes at the Mt Barker and Strathalbyn Shows.
• In August of the same year Thomas laid 2 complaints to the Macclesfield District Council about Mr Clark junior for splitting gums on surveyed land without a license.
• On the 16th of October 1858 a letter was written to Thomas by the Macclesfield District Council informing Thomas of the new road which was to go through his and his sons land property section 3343 Hundred of Macclesfield.
• In November of the same year James Stubbs took Thomas to the Strathalbyn Criminal court charging Thomas with refusing to pay him £1 5s for wages due. The court ordered Thomas to pay £2 14s.
• November 1860 Thomas and Mary appeared in the police court in Adelaide. Mary had threatened to burn the house down in which they lived. Mary attempted to put her threats in execution by setting fire to several pieces of clothing and the bed clothes. She was prevented from accomplishing this by her husband, Thomas. Mary complained that Thomas was in the habit of ill treating her. His Worship told Mary that "it was in her power to appeal to the nearest Justice of the Peace for address, but she must not seek it in the manner she had attempted". He ordered her to find 2 sureties for 10/ each to keep the peace for 3 months.
Mary died 6th September 1863 in Macclesfield SA and is buried in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA.
Thomas then married Charlotte FARR nee SADLER 25th November 1864 at the residence of Mr Simms, North Adelaide. Charlotte was the daughter of Joseph SADDLER and was born in 1814. She was previously married to George William FARR, a bricklayer and they arrived on the same ship as Thomas, the "Resource" in 1839.
Thomas died 20th January 1882 in Fullarton SA from paralysis and is buried in the St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA with his wife, Mary.
Charlotte died 16th March 1887 in Adelaide SA. She had been in the colony for 49 years
HENRY LEMAR baptized 20th June 1802 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England. He married Jane. Henry was a gardener and in the 1861 English Census was living at 10 Wincheap Street Canterbury Kent
MARY LEMAR baptized 12th February 1803 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England
MARIA ANN LEMAR baptized 8th March 1805 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England
CHARLOTTE LEMAR baptized 25th December 1806 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England
EDWARD LEMER baptized 14th July 1809 in St Mary's Church, Northgate England. Edward died 24th May 1810 Northgate and is buried in St Mary's Church, Northgate England
Generation 3 (first in Australia)
THOMAS WILLIAM LEMAR (Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
WILLIAM THOMAS LEMAR born 1829 Northgate England. He was baptized 12th June 1829 St Mary Northgate Canterbury Parish. He lived in Northgate St Canterbury, England with his parents and siblings. On the 7th October 1838 Thomas, Mary, William, John and Jane left London on the teak-built barque "Resource", Application 3003, Embarkment 1627 and they arrived in Pt Adelaide SA on the 13th May 1839.
In 1852 he purchased the family land of 122 acres with his brother, John and father, Thomas. Section 3342 and 3343 in the Green Hills Special Survey in an area called "Shady Grove". William & John owned a 13 ½ acres section each in the middle of the land. This land had part of a swamp on it that they named Tea Tree Swamp. The water here was 2 to 3 feet high and you could push a rod down into the ground well over 6 feet with just your weight on it. This is where they grew their vegetables in the black soil. A few yards away from the swamp was the blue marble on top of the ground and shortly after the marble was very hard red soil. In 1854 William and John purchased lots 81 and 93 in Macclesfield comprising of a ¼ acre each for £50.
He married Ann Norah (Hanorah) CAREY on 16th July 1856 at Thomas Lemar's Residence, Tea Tree Springs, Macclesfield SA. Anne was born 21st June 1827 in St Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Anne arrived on the "Inconstant" from Plymouth, England 7th June 1849. She left the poverty of Ireland as part of the Earl Grey's Pauper Immigration Scheme. They built a home made of local materials; off cut gum slabs, straw thatching and mortar that used Paris Creek Lime.
In 1860 William and his brother John sold lots 81 and 93 in the township of Macclesfield. In 1897 he also built a garden shed made from off cut gum slabs and thatched roof that they stored garden tools in. They were well known horticulturalists and won many prizes for their produce. On 25th December 1867 William advertised "All Goats, Pigs and Poultry on section 3341, Hundred of Kondoparinga, will be destroyed".
William died 13th September 1887 in Macclesfield SA and is buried in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. His 3 sons; George, Alfred & William inherited their fathers 40 acres (half section 3343 Hundred of Macclesfield). Anne died 18th March 1913 in Macclesfield SA and is buried in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA.
In July 1913 the trustees in the estate of William advertised for auction by Mr E.J Tucker of Strathalbyn; part allotment 87 in the main street of Macclesfield with a four-bedroom house and a two roomed shop that had been erected thereon. The area of the block was; 1 Rood and 12 Perches (1/4 acre).
JOHN THOMAS LEMAR born July 13th 1831 Northgate, Kent England. In 1852 he purchased the family land of 122 acres with his brother, William and father, Thomas. Section 3343 in the Green Hills Special Survey in an area called "Shady Grove". John and William owned a 13 ½ acres section each in the middle of the land. This land had part of a swamp on it that they named TeaTree Swamp. The water here was 2 to 3 feet high and you could push a rod down into the ground well over 6 feet with just your weight on it. This is where they grew their vegetables in the black soil. A few yards away from the swamp was the blue marble on top of the ground and shortly after the marble was very hard red soil.
In 1854 he went to the gold diggings in Victoria during the gold rush but only stayed six months, returning to Paris Creek. He married Sarah Ellen WOOD on 10th May 1855 in the Trinity Church, Adelaide SA in the presence of James & Elizabeth RHODES and the certificate was signed by Charles MARAGETT, Colonial Chaplin of the church. Sarah was born 1st February 1837 Kangaroo Island (see next paragraph) while her parents were waiting for the ship to come on to Holdfast Bay to land.
(re the above, Scott Davis contacted us and has offered the following alternative history)
Good afternoon. I have been reading (this page) and believe the information about Sarah is incorrect. The page includes "... but be aware that you may need to do further research to guarantee accuracy. (And let us know any inaccuracies please)."
In particular:
Sarah was not born on Kangaroo Island. Her parents had migrated to Van Diemen's Land in 1932 and the first two children were born there. Joshua Wood (her father) came to South Australia on the 'Abeona' on 3 March 1838. Harriet (Sarah's mother) followed with George and Sarah on the 'Abeona' on 1 September 1838.
Sarah was born in O'Brien's Bridge, now part of the suburb of Glenorchy in Hobart, Tasmania, on 1 February 1837. She was baptised at St David's, Hobart Town, on 15 October 1837. The published obituary erred in that her father did not serve at the Battle of Waterloo. He was in the 15th Regiment of Foot fighting the French in the West Indies at the time of that battle.
Another public biography on a genealogy website is at
Sarah is my 3x great grandmother.
Regards, Scott Davis
In 1854 John and William purchased lots 81 and 93 in Macclesfield comprising of a ¼ acre each for £50. John and Sarah built a home on the North West corner of Section 3343 made of local materials; off cut gum slabs, straw thatching and mortar that used Paris Creek Lime. In 1860 John and his brother William sold lots 81 and 93 in the township of Macclesfield. At the 14th Annual Strathalbyn Show in 1879 John won first prize in the 4 bushells Field Peas exhibition. In 1897 he also built a garden shed made from off cut gum slabs and thatched roof that they stored garden tools in. This was on the garden side of the swamp. They were well known horticulturalists and won many prizes for their produce.
In 1905 John & Sarah celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their residence, Fern Hill, Macclesfield SA. In 1912 John still owned 40 acres of the original section 3343, with the Lemar brother's (his nephew's) George, Alfred & William owning the other 40 acres.
Sarah died 11th January 1912 Fern Hill, Macclesfield SA and is buried in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. Sarah was well renowned for her flower exhibits. An article written in the Advertiser read; Mrs. J. T. Lemar, an old and respected resident of the Meadows South district, died at her residence, Paris Creek on Friday at the age of 75 years. Mrs. Lemar was born in South Australia. Her father, Mr. Joshua Wood, served at the battle of Waterloo. Mrs. Lemar was an only daughter, and lived with her parents at Prospect until she was ten years of age, when she came to Paris Creek. Shortly after, the family moved to Finniss, where they remained for seven years. Returning to Paris Creek Miss Wood married Mr. Lemar and has resided there ever since.
John died 19th May 1912 at his residence, Paris Creek SA, and is buried in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. His land was inherited by his son James.
JANE ELIZABETH LEMAR born 1834 Northgate England. She was baptized 26th January 1834 St Mary Northgate Canterbury Parish. She married Henry COLYER on 27th August 1850 in the Independent Chapel Macclesfield SA. Henry was born 15th June 1824 in Kent England. Henry died on 4th October 1872 in Hamilton VIC. She then married Sandy Alexander CAMERON 25th July 1873 Hamilton VIC. They moved to Kalangadoo in 1894. Jane died 5th February 1910 in Kalangadoo SA.
Generation 4
WILLIAM THOMAS LEMAR (Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
9 children.
JANE ELIZABETH LEMAR born 28th May 1857 in Macclesfield SA. On the 17th of March 1886 Jane inserted an apology in the South Australian Weekly Chronicle "MR. JAS. CLARKE, of Macclesfield. Sir, I beg to APOLOGISE to you for sending you an insulting valentine, and express my regret at having done so. I beg you will accept this apology and stay further proceedings against me.
JANE ELIZABETH LEMAR. Gawler-street, Mount Barker. She married John Thomas DYSON on 28th May 1894. John is the son of John & Elizabeth DYSON and was born in 1857 in England. John was a labourer and they lived at Victor Harbor and Pt Elliot SA. John died on 16th December 1903 at Waterford, near Pt Elliot SA. Jane died 22nd August 1933 at 320 Main North Rd, Enfield SA.
WILLIAM LEMAR born 17th August 1858 in Tee Tree Springs near Macclesfield SA and died 8th November 1858 Tee Tree Springs, Macclesfield SA.
MARY ANN LEMAR born 20th August 1859 in Tee Tree Springs near Macclesfield SA and died 27th October 1859 Tee Tree Springs, Macclesfield SA.
SARAH ANN LEMAR born 8th October 1862 in Macclesfield SA. She married George Henry WYATT 14th May 1883 in Christ Church Strathalbyn SA. George was the son of William WYATT & Hannah MOTT and was born 17th November 1862 Macclesfield SA. George was a labourer and they lived in Mt Barker SA. Sarah died at her residence 12th July 1941 Macclesfield SA and is buried in the Macclesfield Church of England Cemetery. George died 21st May 1946.
GEORGE THOMAS LEMAR born 18th September 1864 in Tee Tree Swamp near Macclesfield SA. He married Mary Agnes NESTOR on 25th February 1897 St Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Mt Barker SA by Reverend E Phelan. Mary was born in 1868. In 1887 George and his two brothers, William and Alfred, inherited his father's 40 acres (half section of 3343 Hundred of Macclesfield). Mary fell pregnant with twins and they were born on the 18th December 1898. Unfortunately only Edmund survived and the twin sister was stillborn.
George and Mary continued to live on the Shady Grove property owned by his parents which by 1909 had grown to 147 acres. They shared the land with Alfred and William. The brothers had a green grocery run to Milang and the surrounding districts selling mainly the produce of their own gardens and they were bullock drivers. Their sideline was the sale of lime produced from firing marble and traces of the old lime kiln is still on the property. Water was at a depth of 9 feet in the marble quarry but it was undrinkable. The three brothers would go kangaroo shooting with their hunting dogs and guns. The dogs would chase the kangaroos out of the scrub to the big water hole. The Lemar Brothers had some very valuable hunting dogs. They would use Muzzel loaded guns.
Edmund illegitimately fathered three children with his cousin, Dorothy Winifred JAMES between 1923 and 1927. With Dorothy again pregnant Edmund finally married her in 1927 and they also lived on the Lemar land.
George died 10th September 1931 from Cerebral Arteriosclerosis at his residence, Shady Grove, Macclesfield SA and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 26. George was 66 years old.
Dorothy, Edmunds wife, who had nursed and cared for George LEMAR years previously was very ill with Tuberculosis and died 20th March 1934 in Macclesfield SA.
Three of their four children went to foster families with Elizabeth and Oswald fostered to the Whitford Family in Prospect SA when Oswald was 2½ years old (circa 1924). Edmund was paying maintenance for all three children.
Mary and her sister Margaret JAMES looked after Edmunds youngest child Winifred and then they also gained custody of Elizabeth and Oswald, to reunite the children in 1931. Austin was never reunited with his family, and after extensive research it appears that he was not Edmund's son.
In 1949 Mary received £296.2.6 from her brother's estate; Patrick James Nestor.
In 1953 Edmund was living with Mary at Bugle Ranges.
In April 1953 Mary celebrated her 90th birthday at her residence at Bugle Ranges SA. According to newspaper articles Mary was still alert and in good health, being still able to cook, read and bake cakes in between caring for her household. She had recently travelled to Adelaide alone to visit her niece. On her 90th birthday she was the oldest inhabitant of the Macclesfield district and was one of the first pupils of the St Josephs Convent. It was only in the past five years that she had given up walking five miles over hilly country to church.
Mary died 26th August 1953 at 90 years of age in Mt Barker SA. Her funeral service was held at St James the Less Catholic Church, Macclesfield SA Thursday 27th August and she was buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery with George in; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 26. She was buried in a polished walnut casket and funeral costs were £40.6.6
WILLIAM HENRY LEMAR was born 3rd October 1866 in Macclesfield SA. He continued to live on the Shady Grove property owned by his parents which by 1909 had grown to 147 acres. He shared the land with Alfred and George, as mentioned above. William had a couple of racehorses; Lady Phyton, Lady Goran and Prior Perfect. In 1887 William and his 2 brothers, George and Alfred inherited his father's 40 acres (half section of 3343 Hundred of Macclesfield). William, with the help of his cousin, James, sunk a well on the South side of the 13½ acres, 32 feet (10 meters) deep through hard red soil until they struck blue marble. They drilled the marble and put a charge into it. When they returned the next day the well had 12 feet of very good drinking water.
November 1887 William lost an acre of potatoes and many other things in very heavy rain, estimated at £70. On the 1st of February 1940 William was thrown from his horse, which shied unexpectedly and he received a broken collar bone.
William was by now very elderly (68) and still a bachelor, living alone on the farm at Paris Creek, four miles from Macclesfield. Just before daylight on Monday 12th March 1934 he was assaulted by two men who held him prisoner whilst his hoard of savings, comprising of six sovereigns and a £1 note, was stolen. Because of the heat William was sleeping on the verandah of his isolated home.
One of the men came up and asked him for some water for the radiator of a motor car. William was carrying the water across the road in front of his house when he was knocked down. He was severely handled by his attackers, and sustained injuries to his face, throat, and back. One man held William while the other made a search of the house, rummaging through drawers in several rooms. The £7 was taken from a purse in a pocket of Williams's coat which was hanging behind the door of his bedroom. William staggered to a neighbour's home and a telephone message was sent to Mounted Constable Coligan, of Echunga. William was taken to the Strathalbyn hospital, and by the next morning was reported to be in an improved condition.
Rapid detective work resulted in the arrest near Macclesfield on the 13th March of two men, (scrub cutters) who had assaulted and robbed William. At the City Watchhouse Kenneth Noel Burns, 21, and Martin Joseph Manser 38, were charged with assault and robbery. On the 21st April 1934 Martin Joseph Manser was sentenced for 2 years for violent robbery. His nephew, Kenneth Noel Burns was released on a bond of £20 as Manser admitted that he was to blame and had dominated Burns. The Judge said that if Burns had not moderated Manser's cruelty, Manser might have murdered William.
William died 27th May 1946 Strathalbyn Hospital, Strathalbyn SA and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Public, Row 1, Plot 97.
CATHERINE LEMAR born 1st August 1868 in Macclesfield SA. She married Walter Chapman SANDY. Walter died 8th July 1896. Catherine then married Henry WILCOCKS 2nd July 1903 Mt Barker Catholic Church, Mt Barker SA. Henry was born 20th July 1870. Henry died 11th April 1931. Catherine died 6th February 1945.
MARY ANN LEMAR born 9th June 1871 in Tee Tree Swamp near Macclesfield SA. She married Henry PFEIFFER 16th May 1903 in Christ Church Strathalbyn SA. Henry was born 14th October 1871. Henry lived at Charleston. Mary died 20th April 1951 North Adelaide SA and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Public, Row 1, Plot 102. Henry died 4th February 1952 and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Public, Row 1, Plot 101.
ALFRED EDWARD LEMAR was born 23rd August 1873 in Macclesfield SA. He continued to live on the Shady Grove property owned by his parents which by 1909 had grown to 147 acres. He shared the land with William and George, as mentioned above. In 1887 Alfred and his 2 brothers, George and William inherited his father's 40 acres (half section of 3343 Hundred of Macclesfield). Alfred died 15th April 1924 at his residence at Shady Grove SA and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 29.
Generation 5
JANE ELIZABETH LEMAR (William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
HAROLD JOHN WILLIAM DYSON born 8th September 1894. He married Ada BEST. Harold died 6th July 1939.
MARY VICTORIA MYRTLE DYSON born 7th November 1897. She married Charles Harold WICKENS 21st June 1922. Charles was born 10th December 1896. Charles died 19th August 1970. Mary died 18th January 1983.
SARAH ANN LEMAR (William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore).
8 children.
ALBERT EDWARD WYATT born 11th March 1884. He married Minnie Louisa CORBELL 23rd March 1910. Albert died 5th April 1958.
VICTOR HENRY WYATT born 5th April 1885 and died 30th June 1906.
MARTHA JANE WYATT born 10th July 1887. She married John Donald CAMPBELL 23rd March 1911. John was born 8th June 1875. John died 3rd April 1946. Martha died 11th January 1970.
EMILY MAY WYATT born 7th September 1889. She married George Thomas CORBELL 30th September 1908. George was born 27th June 1884. Emily died 12th November 1934. George died 6th June 1935.
WALTER GEORGE WYATT born 24th December 1891. He married Hilda Elizabeth ROBERTS 10th November 1914. Hilda was born 7th December 1891. Hilda died 15th October 1952 and is buried in the St Johns Church of England Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. Walter died 30th November 1958 and is buried in the St Johns Church of England Cemetery, Macclesfield SA.
FANNY VIOLET WYATT born 25th September 1894. She married Alexander Roy DUNCAN 7th May 1913. Alexander was born 22nd January 1890. Fanny died 4th January 1944. Alexander died 7th March 1958.
NORMAN WILSON WYATT born 29th September 1897. He married Ella Gwendoline MCLAUGHLIN 25th August 1920. Ella was born 22nd April 1898. Norman died 9th January 1951 and is buried in the St Johns Church of England Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. Ella died 9th March 1978 and is buried in the St Johns Church of England Cemetery, Macclesfield SA.
RAY DOUGLAS WYATT born 12th April 1902. He married Alma Elsie DAVIS 29th July 1922. Alma was born 31st August 1899. Ray died 11th December 1971. Alma died 1st July 1992.
MARY ANN LEMAR (William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
FREDERICK PFEIFFER born 29th October 1904. He married Dorothy Alice May BRISTOW 26th November 1927. Dorothy was born 6th November 1911. Frederick died 29th May 1974
GEORGE THOMAS LEMAR (William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
EDMUND GEORGE LEMAR born 18th December 1898 in Macclesfield SA. Edmund lived on the Shady Grove property and when he was old enough he helped deliver vegetables to Strathalbyn and Milang. This was a two day trip with a wagon and two horses. As a side line he helped his father and uncles burn marble to produce building lime. He went fishing with his cousin James, fishing in the River Angas at Macclesfield for Mud Fish & Cray Fish.
Edmund illegitimately fathered three children with his cousin Dorothy Winifred JAMES between 1923 and 1927. With Dorothy again pregnant Edmund finally married her 6th September 1927 Pt Adelaide SA. They also lived on the Lemar land.
Dorothy was born 22nd January 1898 in Stirling SA. Edmund was a member of the Macclesfield Rifle Club in 1925. The family rented the Bugle Ranges Railway Station in January 1932.
Dorothy, who had nursed and cared for her father in-law George LEMAR years previously, was very ill with Tuberculosis and died at the age of 37 on Monday 20th of March 1934 Bugle Ranges SA. Her funeral left from their home at Bugle Ranges on Wednesday 22nd March at 3.30pm and the Undertaker was L.W CARR of Mt Barker SA. Dorothy is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 41. Dorothy was a member of the Port Adelaide Confraternity.
Three of their four children went to foster families, with Elizabeth and Oswald fostered to the Whitford Family in Prospect SA when Oswald was 2½ years old. The Whitford's were family friends of the LEMAR'S from Paris Creek. Edmund was paying maintenance for all three children. Edmund's mother and Aunty Margaret JAMES looked after his youngest child, Winifred, and then they also gained custody of Elizabeth and Oswald to reunite the children in 1931. Austin was never reunited with his family and after extensive research it appears that he was not Edmund's son.
Edmund then married Mavis Clare O'FARRELL. She was the daughter of Henry. Mavis died 24th May 1957 in Adelaide SA and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 40. Edmund was a prominent figure in the Macclesfield Rifle Club, as well as being a lifetime supporter of all the town activities. He was the starter for the athletic events at the New Years Day Catholic Picnic for over fifteen years. Edmund died 18th August 1964 in the Royal Adelaide Hospital and is buried in the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA; Catholic, Row 1, Plot 48. On his death his estate consisted of Commonwealth Bank Account of £131.3.2. and furniture of £78.5.0, in total £191.8.2. His funeral expenses were £78.8.6 and his burial was £11.2.0. He was living with his son; Oswald and Roma at 9 Venables St Macclesfield SA.
LEMAR born 18th December 1898 in Macclesfield SA. Edmund's twin sister died at birth.
CATHERINE LEMAR (William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
MAY ELIZABETH SANDY born 2nd August 1893. She married Tressalion William MORITZ 4th June 1912. Tressalion was born 16th September 1889. May died 24th September 1954. Tressalion died 27th July 1958.
LEONARD WALTER SANDY born 12th March 1896. He married Louise Laura COOPER 12th March 1932. Louise was born 1897. Louise died 9th October 1967. Leonard died 25th July 1970.
EILEEN DORIS WILCOCKS born 8th January 1904. She married Henry Albert DITTMAR 3rd July 1926. Henry was born 23rd June 1901. Henry died 13th June 1950.
Generation 6
MARY VICTORIA MYRTLE DYSON (Jane Elizabeth, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
PAMELA WICKENS born 5th September 1922 and died 16th September 1922.
ERIC CHARLES WICKENS born 1st Aug 1923. He married Doris Amelia BUTFIELD. Eric died 9th May 1923.
CLIFFORD JOHN WICKENS born 15th July 1926. He married Lurline MAYBELL. Laurline was born 8th February 1928.
HAROLD ERNEST WICKENS born 1st February 1930. He married Joan Ethel LANE.
ALBERT EDWARD WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
GORDON EDWARD WYATT born 31st May 1910. He married Kathleen LAMB. Kathleen was born 19th February 1909. Katherine died 21st June 2000. Gordon died 20th August 2002.
MARTHA JANE WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
HAYWOOD DONALD CAMPBELL born 29th February 1908. He married Mary Margaret Lillie WHITE. Mary was born 1st March 1911. Haywood died 20th October 1972. Mary died 3rd May 1984.
JOHN DOUGLAS GLADSTONE CAMPBELL born 14th October 1911. He married Elsie Marion SPILLMAN 24th August 1946. Elsie was born 17th November 1925. John died 10th January 1959.
EVELYN MCLACHLAN CAMPBELL born 14th February 1917. She married Stanley James TEMBY 1st July 1939.
EMILY MAY WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
5 children.
MERVYN JAMES WYATT born 5th October 1906. He married Violet Nellie EDWARDS. Mervyn died 9th April 1963.
PEARL MARCELLA CORBELL born 13th June 1909. She married Scotty PRYDE. Pearl died 2nd May 1981. Scotty died 9th Apr 1943.
CLIFFORD GEORGE CORBELL born 19th June 1910. Clifford died 19th July 1943.
THEODORE NORMAN RAY CORBELL born 12th April 1912. He married Floris Jean SHERWELL. Theodore died 18th February 1971.
ALLENAMOR CORBELL born 6th March 1914. She married Lois AMES. Eleanor died in 1982.
WALTER GEORGE WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
JEAN GRACE WYATT born 1915. Jean died 24th January 1916.
HAZEL CAVELL WYATT born 31st May 1916. She married Harold Howard BARTLETT 3rd July 1937 in Exeter SA. Harold was born 18th March 1911. Hazel died 12th September 1995.
BERYL MAVIS WYATT born 10th January 1918. She married Verdun Leslie DUGMORE 9th March 1935. Verdun was born 29th January 1917. Verdun died 11th July 1990.
RAYMOND WALTER WYATT born 1920. Raymond died 9th October 1920.
FANNY VIOLET WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
UNKNOWN DUNCAN born 26th February 1914 and died in 1914.
REGINALD KEITH DUNCAN born 13th May 1915 and died 15th September 1915.
ROMA LEMAR DUNCAN born 18th April 1922. She married Eric Player RICHARDS 17th April 1943. Eric was born 2nd September 1918. Roma died 19th February 1992.
NORMAN WILSON WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
7 children.
AUDREY NORMA WYATT born 15th January 1921. Audrey died 22nd June 1994.
KENNETH GEORGE WYATT born 14th June 1922. Kenneth died 11th April 1923.
JEAN WYATT born 29th November 1923.
GEORGE WYATT born 24th October 1925. He married Betty Dawn KLUSKE 13th March 1949 in Adelaide SA. Betty was born 16th November 1922 in Eudunda SA.
DOROTHY WYATT born 7th January 1927. She married Robert William SCROOP 27th March 1948 in Macclesfield SA. Robert was born 17th September 1922. Robert died 21st August 1978.
DONALD WYATT born 3rd April 1928. He married Nellie Lynette BRUMFIELD 13th September 1952. Nellie was born 9th June 1930. Nellie died 27th October 1999.
MARGARET ETHEL WYATT born 5th November 1931. She married Leslie PHILLIPS 24th May 1952. Leslie was born 29th September 1942. She then married Douglas Leon WHITTAKER. Douglas was born 1st February 1931.
RAY DOUGLAS WYATT (Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
DOUGLAS NORMAN WYATT born 16th January 1923. He married Joan Christine EDINGTON 31st January 1948. Joan was born 27th September 1924. Joan died 24th April 1995.
EDMUND GEORGE LEMAR (George Thomas, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
ELIZABETH (BETTY) IRENE JAMES born 25th March 1923 Rose Park SA. She went to school at Wistow School and later at the Convent at Macclesfield, walking both ways in all kinds of weather. She married Raymond Frederick HENLEY 1946 in Perth WA. In 1954 they lived at 310 Cambridge St Leederville WA. Elizabeth died 19th November 2007 in Wembley WA and is buried in the Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Acacia Court WA. * Father not named on Birth Certificate.
LEO AUSTIN JAMES / KEANE born 16th September 1918 Magill SA. He married Dorothy BACON 21st August 1937 in St Laurence Church, North Adelaide SA. Dorothy was born ...
And is the daughter of James John BACON and ...
Leo enlisted in the Australian Infantry Force in Hackney SA 1st October 1941 and was given the rank of Private and allotted the service number SX14759. He served with the Army Trades Training Depot and discharged from the AIF 24th February 1942. He then enlisted into the Royal Australian Air Force and allotted the service number 141063 on the 24th August 1943. He was attached to 99 Squadron and when discharged on 9th May 1946 was a Leading Aircraftman.
99 Squadron was a heavy bomber squadron of World War II. It was formed at Leyburn 1st February 1945. The Squadron's B-24 Liberator bombers arrived in early March and the Squadron was declared operational in April. 99 Squadron began moving to Darwin in May ahead of commencing combat operations but the war ended before this move was completed in September.
As a result the Squadron did not see action. Following the end of the war 99 Squadron operated in the transport role and was responsible for flying personnel and supplies between Darwin and Southern Australia. They moved from Darwin to Tocumwal, NSW in November 1945 and were disbanded 5th June 1946.
Leo & Dorothy divorced 13th October 1949. Dorothy was living at Regent St, Hackney SA and Leo was living at Rankine Rd, Torrensville. Dorothy applied for the divorce and claimed Leo had deserted the family and committed adultery with Kit Harris (or Keane) of Rankine road, Torrensville.
He then married Violet UNKNOWN. In the West Perth Electoral Roll 1954 Leo was living at 6 Ord St West Perth WA and he was a motor body assembler. In the Perth Electoral role 1958 Leo was living at 5 St Vincent Avenue Wembley WA with Isobel Mary Keane. Leo was a metal finisher & Isobel was a shop assistant. In the Perth Electoral role 1968 Leo was living at 114 Lawrence St Bedford WA with Marjorie Elaine Keane. Leo was a metal finisher and Marjorie was a shop assistant. In the WA Electoral role 1972, 1977, 1980 Leo was living at 17 Commercial Rd Shenpk with Violet Keane. Leo was a metal finisher and Violet cook.
Leo spent part of his life living in the Valley View Nursing Home. Leo died 8th June 1997 and was cremated and his ashes placed in a wall at Enfield Cemetery. * Father not named on Birth Certificate.
OSWALD GEORGE JAMES / LEMAR born 30th October 1921 Medindie SA. He went to school at Wistow School and later at the Convent at Macclesfield, walking both ways in all kinds of weather. He was fostered out to the Whitford Family. On the 13th of June 1947 Oswald changed his surname from JAMES to LEMAR.
In 1949 after the death of Patrick James Nestor, Oswald purchased section 2817 (30 acres), part of the original Nestor land, located on Nestor Rd for £600.0.0. He owned the Nestor farm in 1955.
Oswald announced his engagement to Roma Marie Smith on the 10th December 1960. He married Roma Marie SMITH 16th September 1961 St Ignatius Church, Norwood Catholic Church, Norwood SA. Their marriage certificate was witnessed by Phillip Brendon Cosgrave and Winifred Mary Mott. Roma was a Stenographer and was the daughter of Alfred Charles SMITH and Ruth Alexandra BAMBLETT and was born 26th April 1930 in Mile End SA.
They built a house on C/T Volume 2631 Folio 110 (9 Venables St) Macclesfield SA where they lived with their two sons Graham and Paul. Oswald's father lived with them for 2 years before his death 18th August 1964.
Oswald suffered from a hernia in April 1964 and in May 1968 whilst feeding a poddy calf at the dairy lost his little finger. On the 14th April 1968 Oswald suffered an Occlusion of his right femoral artery which resulted in a femoral Popliteal Bypass (vein patch graft) operation performed by Dr Justin Miller in the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Oswald suffered his first chest pains whilst on holidays at Grafton NSW on the 20th and 22nd May 1972. This followed with more chest pains on the 8th July 1972 and he was then prescribed Angina tablets 4 days later.
On the 24th January 1980 he suffered an Occlusion of his left femoral artery which resulted in a femoral Popliteal Bypass (vein patch graft), again the operation was performed by Dr Justin Miller at the Burnside Hospital.
In 1980 they purchased a new caravan for family holidays which they used in summers at Moana Beach SA. On the 26th May 1980 he suffered a cardiac arrest whilst at work which resulted in a three way heart bypass operation performed by Dr Craddick at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on the 30th June 1980. He was hospitalized for 10 days and on his release he retired from work.
On the 6th of November 1984 Oswald was awarded RSL Life Membership at the RSL Cabaret. Mr Arch Thomas, State RSL Councillor presented Oswald with his badge and certificate. Oswald had joined the League in 1946 and served 11 years as branch secretary.
Dr Craddick performed a two way bypass operated on Oswald on the 16th October 1986 at the Royal Adelaide Hospital with one of these being an original bypass. Oswald suffered a cardiac arrest the following day.
Oswald collapsed on the 1st October 1989 at St James the Less Catholic Church, Macclesfield SA after giving communion to his sister, Winifred Mott. Ambulance volunteers attended and performed CPR but unfortunately after being transferred to Mt Barker District Hospital Oswald was pronounced deceased from Cardiac Arrest and Coronary Artery Disease. His funeral service was held at St James the Less Catholic Church and he was cremated at Centennial Park Crematorium in a polished walnut casket on the 3rd October and his ashes interred the Macclesfield General Cemetery, Macclesfield SA. Carr & Kleeman were the funeral directors. The total cost of the funeral was $1607.40 . * Father not named on Birth Certificate.
Roma continued to live in the family home until the 4th April 1997 when she sold the home to her son Paul for $77,000 and moved into a granny flat behind her other son Graham at 14 Browning St, Plympton Park SA.
WINIFRED DOROTHY MARY LEMAR born 2nd April 1928 in Queens Home SA. She went to school at Wistow School and later at the Convent at Macclesfield, walking both ways in all kinds of weather. She became engaged to Ronald William MOTT in April 1951 and she married Ronald William MOTT. Ronald was born 6th August 1923 in Green Hills SA.
MAY ELIZABETH SANDY (Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
ERIC WILLIAM MORITZ born 29th December 1912. He married Veronica May OSULLIVAN.
MAX LEONARD MORITZ born 14th February 1914. He married Alma GREEN. Alma was born 18th April 1913.
TREVOR TRESSELLION MORITZ born 15th November 1926. He married Melva Aileen ARMSTRONG and then Audrey UNKNOWN. Trevor died 20th November 2000.
LEONARD WALTER SANDY (Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
AUDREY SANDY born 4th June 1933. She married Henry John STANTON 17th March 1951. Henry was born 3rd August 1928. Audrey died 13th December 1996.
EILEEN DORIS WILCOCKS (Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
RHONDA EILEEN DITTMAR born 25th October 1928. She married Victor Anicetas LOZORAITI 29th November 1952. Victor was born 1st March 1928. Victor died 3rd May 1993.
Generation 7
ERIC CHARLES WICKENS (Mary Victoria Myrtle DYSON, Jane Elizabeth, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
CLIFTON JOHN WICKENS (Mary Victoria Myrtle DYSON, Jane Elizabeth, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
CHARLES CLIFTON WICKENS born 19th July 1950. He married Maxine Joy Collins RORKE. Maxine was born 14th September 1954.
CHRISTOPHER JOHN WICKENS was born 30th August 1954. Christopher died 5th May 1988.
KERRY AYLENE WICKENS born 5th July 1955. She married William Gary CREBER.
HAROLD ERNEST WICKENS (Mary Victoria Myrtle DYSON, Jane Elizabeth, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
PAMELA SHARON WICKENS born 28th November 1856. She married Rodney THOMPSON.
DEBRA ANN WICKENS born 4th November 1959. She married Grantley James ARBON.
GORDON EDWARD WYATT (Albert Edward WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
BARRY GORDON WYATT born 18th October 1934. He married Elizabeth Sadie PRICE, 4th February 1955. Elizabeth was born 16th September 1933.
ROGER RUSSELL WYATT born 15th April 1939. He married Raelene Josephine GASTON 16th March 1944. Raelene was born 13th March.
GAYNOR ELIZABETH WYATT born 5th April 1941. She married Robert Henry ARBLASTOR 6th December 1969. Robert was born 25th March 1948.
CHRISTINE ROBYN WYATT born 16th February 1946. She married William Edward ALEXANDER 7th September 1968. William was born 8th August 1943.
HAYWOOD DONALD CAMPBELL (Martha Jane WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
6 children.
NORMAN DONALD CAMPBELL born 26th October 1932. Norman died 9th June 1951.
FAY MARGARET CAMPBELL born 30th May 1936. She married Walter Alfred HERMEL. Walter was born 24th August 1933.
RAYMOND JAMES CAMPBELL born 6th June 1936.
JOAN ANN CAMPBELL born 24th June 1937. She married David John DAVIS. David was born 28th December 1932.
MAXINE MARY CAMPBELL born 9th March 1946. She married Karl WINKLER 11th February 1967. Karl was born 30th April 1939.
JOHN DOUGAL CAMPBELL born 22nd September 1949. He married Miriam HANN.
JOHN DOUGLAS GLADSTONE CAMPBELL (Martha Jane WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
CARLA JEAN CAMPBELL born 10th September 1947. She married Kevin Michael PANNELL.
MARION KAY CAMPBELL born 29th January 1949. She married Walter MALINOWSKI 26th August 1967. Walter was born 4th October 1948.
DELLA CAMPBELL born 16th November 1950. She married Steven HEFFERNAN.
HELEN MARY CAMPBELL born 18th October 1953. She married Rudolph Johann LEBERFINGER 6th November 1971. Rudolph was born 13th August 1948.
MERVYN JAMES WYATT (Emily May WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
6 children.
DESMAE WYATT married Desmond WHITE.
NORMA WYATT born 26th June 1929. She married Maurice WESSLING.
GARRY WYATT born 8th December 1956.
PEARL MARCELLA CORBELL (Emily May WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
WILLIAM GEORGE PRYDE born 16th October 1935. He married Ruth Mavis GLOVER. Ruth was born 17th December 1943. William died 14th April 1985.
THEODORE NORMAN RAY CORBELL (Emily May WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
JACQUELINE MAY CORBELL born 13th June 1936. She married Ronald HOLLINGWORTH. She then married Douglas ALLITT.
ALMA TRESSIE CORBELL born 19th June 1937. She married Gordon PITT, 25th November 1956. Gordon was born 25th October. Gordon died 17th July 2002.
THEODORE NORMAN RAY CORBELL born 2nd May 1942. He married Isobel Jean CLARK. Isobel was born 22nd August 1943.
LESLIE DENNIS CORBELL born 25th July 1943. He married Margaret SENIOR.
ALLENAMORE CORBELL (Emily May WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
5 children.
REX CORBELL born 30th March 1936. Rex died 3rd May 2002.
TERRANCE JOHN CORBELL born 25th November 1937. He married Helen MAYBELL. Helen was born 28th December 1939.
MAX CORBELL born 7th February 1943. He married Sonja LYSIAK.
DAVID CORBELL born 1st January 1954. He married Alison RICHARDS. Alison was born 29th July 1952.
JULIE CORBELL born 31st March 1958. She married Bruno KREYAN.
HAZEL CAVELL WYATT (Walter George WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
RAYMOND HAROLD BARTLETT born 25th March 1939. He married Una ESTERHUIZEN 26th April 1962.
GLEN BARTLETT born 17th June 1943. He married Maxine Helen DUNCAN 30th December 1966. Maxine was born 10th May 1946.
BERYL MAVIS WYATT (Walter George WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
# Refer to DUGMORE Family Tree
ROMA LEMAR DUNCAN (Fanny Violet WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
DARRYL PLAYER RICHARDS born 23rd February 1945. He married Marie Denise BEARD, 15th February 1969. He then married Jillian Frances HARRISON, 20th December 1975.
TRUDY LEMAR RICHARDS born 6th September 1949. She married Robert James WELLINGTON, 9th May 1970. Robert was born 29th March 1947.
JEAN WYATT (Norman Wilson WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
CHRISTINE MARGARET BRUMFIELD born 15th November 1949. She married Peter Monty PHILLIPS 15th December 1968. Peter was born 15th July 1947.
NORMAN LINDSAY BRUMFIELD born 3rd July 1951. He married Erica KING 18th March 1978. Erica was born 31st December 1956.
GRAHAM GEORGE BRUMFIELD born 14th June 1953. He married Mary Ann MCBETH 4th December 1971. He than married Michele TAYLOR 4th April 1992.
LYNETTE JEAN BRUMFIELD born 19th June 1956. She married Ross BARTLETT 26th July 1975. Ross was born 14th July 1954.
GEORGE WYATT (Norman Wilson WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
DIANNE JULIE WYATT born 24th October 1952. She married Alan Geoffrey HOBBS 28th April 1973 in Macclesfield SA. Alan was born 28th July 1947.
DESMOND GEORGE WYATT born 2nd July 1956.
FAY MARIE WYATT born 11th December 1959. She married Geoffrey Bruce COLLINS 1st April 1978 in Macclesfield SA. Geoffrey was born 14th June 1955.
DOROTHY WYATT (Norman Wilson WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
SHIRLEY ANN SCROOP born 6th November 1948. She married Robert James DE-LEIUEN 16th November 1968 in NZ. Robert was born 23rd February 1944.
GEOFFREY PAUL POLOMKA born 19th August 1966. He married Sonya VIGAR.
DONALD WYATT (Norman Wilson WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
1 child.
KYM DONALD WYATT born 17th January 1955. He married Kim Maree SHEARER 17th May 1975. Kim was born 26th August 1956.
MARGARET ETHEL WYATT (Norman Wilson WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
6 children.
LEON WILSON WHITTAKER born 27th November 1952. He married Ondina MARSI 5th February 1982. Ondina was born 20th September 1960.
ALAN STANLEY WHITTAKER born 14th April 1954. He married Sheryl LUCHT 12th February 1983. Sheryl was born 25th October 1956.
ANNETTE GWENDA WHITTAKER born 8th November 1956. She married Gregory FAIRLIE 5th September 1987. Gregory was born 19th March 1951.
RHONDA ETHEL WHITTAKER born 8th November 1958.
SUSAN ANN WHITTAKER born 12th March 1963. She married David Mark EAKINS and then Steven MAHONY.
ANDREW SCOTT WHITTAKER born 19th January 1972.
DOUGLAS NORMAN WYATT (Ray Douglas WYATT, Sarah Ann, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
ROBERT DOUGLAS WYATT born 27th November 1950. He married Lorraine Kay COSGROVE 26th August 1972. Lorraine was born 25th September 1951.
JAN CHRISTINE WYATT born 24th February 1956. She married Eion Mclean MCLEOD 8th November 1987. Eion was born 18th Feb 1931. He died 23rd April 1997.
LEO AUSTIN JAMES/KEANE (Edmund George, George Thomas, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
OSWALD GEORGE JAMES/LEMAR (Edmund George, George Thomas, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
GRAHAM DENNIS LEMAR born 27th March 1963. His first season of Football for Macclesfield was in April 1975. He married Catherine FREEMAN.
PAUL ANTHONY LEMAR born Monday 10th August 1964, 7.45pm, 6 pounds 3 ounces, Mt Barker Memorial Hospital, Mt Barker SA. Named after Pope Paul VI by his father. He was baptized in the St James the Less Catholic Church, Macclesfield SA by Reverend Donavon, and his communion sponsors were Phillip Cosgrave and Madge Pursell.
He first attended St Josephs Catholic Convent School aged 5 years and 6 months where he completed year one and two in 1970 and 1971. He attended Macclesfield Primary School from 1972 to 1976.
His first season of Football for the Macclesfield Blood and Tars was with his brother Graham in Junior Colts 24th April 1976, aged eleven and a half years, and he was in the best players for his debut season. In January 1977 he played his first game of Cricket for the Macclesfield Redbacks.
He attended Mt Barker High School from 1977 to 1981 where he successfully completed his year 12. Paul commenced work at the Reserve Bank of Australia, Victoria Square Adelaide in January 1982 and rented a unit at Marleston SA in September 1982.
In March 1984 Paul borrowed $3495 from his parents to purchase a LH Torana (car) which he repaid by the 6th March 1985. In 1986 Paul purchased a lottery ticket for his grandmother, Ruth, and she won a 1986 Colt (car) in which she sold for $8500 and gave Graham $4000 and Paul $4500. On the 15th March 1990 Paul borrowed $2800 from his parents to purchase a 1976 LT Torana (car) and made his final repayment three months later.
He married Julie Marie SMITH February 1991 in Echunga SA. Julie was born 14th August 1968.
Paul's parents gave them $1000 towards his wedding reception and $1000 as a wedding gift. A pink gold ring belonging to his Great Grandmother Bamblett was given to him for this marriage.
In August of 1991 Paul borrowed $2000 from his parents to purchase a house in Walker St Macclesfield SA.
Paul and Julie were divorced. Paul then married Natalie Merle MCALLISTER (formerly THORPE) 20th April 2000 in Clarendon Winery, Clarendon SA. Natalie was the daughter of Barry Charles MCALLISTER and Christine Merle JOHNS born 15th September 1970 in Glenelg SA. Natalie was previously married to Warrick Stewart THORPE of Meadows SA. They had 1 child, Alycia Maree Thorpe born 28th January 1994.
NOTE: Natalie and Paul are responsible for most of these records.
ELIZABETH (BETTY) IRENE JAMES/LEMAR (Edmund George, George Thomas, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
WINIFRED DOROTHY MARY LEMAR (Edmund George, George Thomas, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
BRIAN RONALD MOTT born 11th October 1952. He married Margaret DOE in Willunga SA. Margaret was born 16th July 1956.
DEIDRE LOUISE MOTT born 11th July 1954. She was still born and is buried in Wistow Cemetery, Wistow SA.
CHRISTOPHER JOHN MOTT born 11th May 1958. He married Wendy MERRITT. Wendy was born 14th July 1956.
PHILLIP ANDREW MOTT born 1st April 1962.
ERIC WILLIAM MORITZ (May Elizabeth SANDY, Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
3 children.
ANTHONY PAUL MORITZ born 24th November 1951.
MAX LEONARD MORITZ (May Elizabeth SANDY, Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
MAXINE MARY MORITZ born 5th January 1936. She married Robert Cunningham HEAL. Robert was born 5th February 1932.
ROBERT LEONARD MORITZ born 17th November 1939. He married Rosemary PARKER SMITH. Rosemary was born 11th June 1943.
TREVOR TRESSELLION MORITZ (May Elizabeth SANDY, Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
2 children.
AUDREY SANDY (Leonard Walter SANDY, Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
6 children.
TREVOR STANTON married Michelle GILES.
RUSSELL STANTON born 1952 and died 20th September 1958.
SONYA STANTON was stillborn 1st November 1968.
RHONDA EILEEN DITTMAR (Eileen Doris WILCOCKS, Catherine, William Thomas, Thomas William, Samuel, Robert Wildbore)
4 children.
DIANNE EILEEN LOZORAITI born 7th March 1955.
DEBRA LIAMA LOZORAITI born 21st November 1958. She married John Richard VIVIAN 27th October 1984. John was born 10th February 1960.
LEIGH JOHN LOZORAITI born 23rd June 1963. He married Maureen ALLEY 18th April 1992. Maureen was born 14th March 1964.
PAUL HENRY LOZORAITI born 14th June 1970. He married Ashley DENNIS.